Business Problem

One of the country’s leading providers of*voice and data communications had long*recognized the benefits of proper labeling*and has practiced some form of labeling*for many years. According to a senior*field service engineer with the company,*“we used a typical handheld labeler and*typed in information we felt relevant to the*application, but often forgot to include*something (like the service number to call)*or there was inconsistency in the format,*making some labels difficult to read.”*They tried preprinting their labels, but this*presented problems with custom data, and*there were so many different applications*that it became impractical to preprint so*many kinds of labels – not to mention the*impossible task to manage the inventory*for hundreds of installers all over the*country. Handwritten labels solve some of*these problems, but they are time*consuming as each field service*technician struggles to print legibly.
Labeling is a thumbprint of*professionalism and the company was*determined to find a labeling solution that*meets their requirements.
Business Solution

The company made organization*changes, including a new corporate logo*which provided an opportune time to*identify and standardize on a better*labeling solution for the company. Since*this group had positive experience using*P-touch®*electronic labeling machines in*the past, they approached Brother to help*them find an ideal solution. The field*service technicians specialize on installing*WANs (wide area networks) onsite for*commercial accounts like retail stores and*restaurants, and required a portable*labeling solution that will work in any of*these installation environments. They*needed a solution flexible enough to label*a 56K line, all the way up to a DS3 (T3)*which contains 28 T1 lines; and needed to*label all equipment these lines are*connected to: panels, modems, routers,*switches, network cables and power*cords. They needed to control the look of*the labels to be consistent for any*company installation, but required*flexibility to add new designs for future*customers with special requirements.*Finally, they needed the labeler to print*the new corporate logo on the label as a*mark of professionalism.*

