Business Problem

The events of Sept. 11, 2001 pointed out*a weakness in the federal law*enforcement community to effectively*share information between agencies on*suspected terrorist activities. Recognizing*the risks that this posed, the U.S.*Government mandated a more*comprehensive use of information sharing*as it related to national emergencies and*homeland security. Subsequently, the*federal guidelines1 were set forth for realtime*information sharing between law*enforcement agencies and emergency*response personnel at the federal, state,*and local levels.
Compliance with these guidelines,*however, would bring significant*challenges with regards to current laws,*privacy protection, technology standards,*and nation-wide deployment. New*systems would be required to build out the*infrastructure and implement the*applications locally.*
Business Solution

COPsync, Inc., a software technology*provider to law enforcement and*emergency service professionals based in*Canyon Lake, Texas, recognized the need*to offer their clients a solution to comply*with the Government’s information sharing*mandates. Founders Russell Chaney and*Shane Rapp, with a combined 30+ years*of law enforcement experience between*them, saw firsthand the ramifications*associated with the inability of law*enforcement agencies to share*information and intelligence to prevent*and solve crimes. This, along with their*software development skills, gives them*the unique insight needed to develop*user-friendly platforms to help improve the*day-to-day performance of their fellow law*enforcement officers.

