3D Systems* (NYSEDD) announced today that it will bring its consumer and professional 3D content-to-print experience to the*TCT Show + Personalize*in Birmingham, UK, from September 25-26, 2013, in Hall 3A, Booth D36.
For the first time at a live show, 3D Systems will demo its newly added direct metal 3D printers from its recent acquisition of Phenix Systems, along with its latest line up of*consumer*and*professional 3D printers, engineering and design software from*Geomagic, and on-demand parts service from*Quickparts*and**3D printers, see the newest full color 3D printers in action, sample edible*3D printed sugar*and examine precision metal parts. Visitors will be exposed to popular consumer applications like printable fashion, jewelry and home design, as well as creative, gamified 3D apps like the brand new UK-exclusive**that lets fans become their own 3D printed player. App developers and arts and entertainment brands are invited to join the 3D printing revolution and learn how they can monetize their intellectual property and creativity on*Cubify3D Printers
