It won't happen. They know they are outnumbered by whites. BLM thought they could get people to riot again so they could get the "bribe" $$ like they did summer of 2020. Which they ended up spending on real estate, cars, etc. Not going to happen this time because BLM has been EXPOSED & DEAD!
The new and better organization is ALM "ALL LIVES MATTER"
Penny & Rittenhouse are both free men and they should be! Both justified! Do believe Penny's was accident.
Daniel Penny found not guilty
Black Lives Matter is a bunch of violent, racist motherfuckers.
Black Lives Matter New York Leader Calls For BLACKS TO ATTACK WHITES In NYC In Wake Of Daniel Penny Not Guilty Verdict!
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Daniel Penny found not guilty
BREAKING: Daniel Penny found not guilty of negligent homicide. His other charge of manslaughter was dismissed last week. HE’S A FREE MANTags: None
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