Originally Posted by slimslob View Post
Golly gee wow. We have been saying for almost 2 years now nothing short of a N95 will do much good at all. But there is a problem with them as well. They will block 95% of particles .3 microns in diameter or larger. .3 microns is 300 nano-meters, but the diameter of known coronaviruses is between 50 nano-meters and 140 nano-meters. Even with the outer surface tumors that can reach a length of up to 12 nano-meter each, the maximum diameter of a coronavirus is 164 nano-meters which slight more than half the size that even the best face mask can can handle. As I have said from the beginning, the only sure way to avoid infection it distancing and not the 2 meters that the so call experts say, but at least double that. Myth busters did an episode years ago that proved moisture droplets from a sneeze or cough can travel more than 15 feet.
Golly gee wow. We have been saying for almost 2 years now nothing short of a N95 will do much good at all. But there is a problem with them as well. They will block 95% of particles .3 microns in diameter or larger. .3 microns is 300 nano-meters, but the diameter of known coronaviruses is between 50 nano-meters and 140 nano-meters. Even with the outer surface tumors that can reach a length of up to 12 nano-meter each, the maximum diameter of a coronavirus is 164 nano-meters which slight more than half the size that even the best face mask can can handle. As I have said from the beginning, the only sure way to avoid infection it distancing and not the 2 meters that the so call experts say, but at least double that. Myth busters did an episode years ago that proved moisture droplets from a sneeze or cough can travel more than 15 feet.
