Can't we all just get along????

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  • nmfaxman
    Service Manager

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    • Feb 2008
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    [People] Can't we all just get along????

    All of those that have been a member of this site for a while know about M4Y.
    Whoopty Fricken Doo!
    If you don't like his advertising don't buy from him.
    Take his posts with a grain of salt.
    All you have to do is roll your mouse wheel just a tad down to skip his advertisement, just like getting a phone call selling you stuff you don't want.

    If you want to offer free manuals Private Message!

    Posting a full manual puts the sysop on the chopping block, because he controls the site and is liable for everything posted on his site.

    If M4Y wants to sell cheap manuals, that is his right.
    He pays for advertising.

    I have bought a manual from him because he was the only one that had the manual I needed.
    Honestly I got what I paid for.
    Paul ....Clean your optics.

    I hate to loose a lot of information because of BS Rep points that should be treated no more than a high five for the help.

    Can't we all get along????????????
    Why do they call it common sense?

    If it were common, wouldn't everyone have it?
  • jonezy999
    just one copy??

    Site Contributor
    500+ Posts
    • Feb 2010
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    good post buddy!!!
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. ~Thomas Edison


    • JustManuals
      Field Supervisor

      5,000+ Posts
      • Jan 2006
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      Yes, good post and I boosted your rep too!


      • jamesyboy
        toner monkey

        100+ Posts
        • Jul 2010
        • 188

        Good call
        peace,love and understanding man far out groovy

        pass me another shot of isoproponal


        • fixthecopier

          2,500+ Posts
          • Apr 2008
          • 4714

          Thats it, you said it correctly, I am tire of going down this road every 7 or 8 months.
          The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


          • mrwho
            Major Asshole!

            Site Contributor
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            Group hug! Group hug! \o/
            ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

            'You will always find some Eskimo ready to instruct the Congolese on how to cope with heat waves.'


            I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


            • copytechman
              Senior Tech

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              500+ Posts
              • Nov 2008
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              Can u feel the love! ooooo!!



              • prntrfxr
                Service Manager

                1,000+ Posts
                • Apr 2008
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                People who become techs:

                "Are rugged, robust, practical, physically strong, and frequently aggressive in outlook; such people usually have good physical skills, but sometimes have trouble expressing themselves in words, or in communicating their feelings to others. They like to work outdoors, and with things rather than ideas or with people.

                 Hands-on people who enjoy exploring things, fixing and making things with their hands
                 Express themselves and achieve primarily through their bodies rather than through words, thoughts, or feelings
                 Usually independent, practical-minded, strong, well-coordinated, aggressive, conservative, rugged individual
                 Like the challenge of physical risk, being outdoors, using tools and machinery
                 Prefer concrete problems rather than abstract ones
                 Solve problems by doing something physical

                Realistic individuals are capable and confident when using their bodies to relate to the physical world. They focus on things, learn (by hands on) and have little need for conversation. Because of their ease with physical objects, they are often good in emergencies. Their ability to deal with the physical world often makes them very independent. They sometimes get so absorbed in putting things right that they can forget about everything else."

                No one gets along with every personality type. I know that it probably is harder for techs. You have to have a certain type of personality for this job and usually (not always) this means we have trouble getting along with people when we don't agree. I'm actually an idea/people person and have had to find work that enables me to use my own personality and the technical experience I picked up. People skills are good to pick-up. Helps you deal with other techs, management, sales people, and most importantly customers (also improves family relations).

                In a nutshell:
                Individuals on both sides should try to be respectful of one another. We are professionals after all. Just my 2 cents.
                Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Coke in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO-HOO, what a ride!".


                • jamesyboy
                  toner monkey

                  100+ Posts
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 188

                  lets all go to las vegas for a love in

                  and all swap manuals free love man oppps sorry !


                  • copytechman
                    Senior Tech

                    Site Contributor
                    500+ Posts
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 918

                    Sounds like a blast! Wouldn't that be a riot!



                    • fixthecopier
                      ALIEN OVERLORD

                      2,500+ Posts
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 4714

                      Wow prntrfxr, the description of a tech fits me perfectly. As I have got older, I have mellowed. I let a lot of things go, that I used to fight over. In the small company I work for, fitting in can be real important, so I bite my tongue a lot. I am too old to start another career over. I do not look for everything to be fair in life, work or anything else. I am just happy for what I have, cause I could have less.

                      As for Paul, he has never bothered me. He has been nice enough on several instances to have offered free manuals to me. I should be able to get firmware and manuals for most of what I work on from the manufacture we represent. I will tell someone what I read, in one but not copy one for anybody. Truth be known, it is not because I have morals or anything, it is just that I have a short attention span, and can't see myself caring enough about someone's broken machine if it is not in my territory. I am not an asshole, I will talk to folks all day on the phone about their problems with machines, but remember I have this, what the hell was I,.... Uh, I think "Married with Children" is on, gotta go
                      The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


                      • Morlock49
                        Trusted Tech
                        100+ Posts
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 166

                        Originally posted by fixthecopier
                        ...... it is just that I have a short attention span....... but remember I have this, what the hell was I,.... Uh, I think "Married with Children" is on, gotta go

                        at your age and with your memory attention span, do you think you are watching the re-runs for the first time :-P
                        Sorry folks, reputation removed by Just Manuals, because he's a sad little wanker


                        • Ctl-Alt-Del
                          Trusted Tech

                          Site Contributor
                          250+ Posts
                          • Jul 2006
                          • 431

                          Originally posted by nmfaxman
                          All of those that have been a member of this site for a while know about M4Y.
                          Whoopty Fricken Doo!
                          If you don't like his advertising don't buy from him.
                          Take his posts with a grain of salt.
                          All you have to do is roll your mouse wheel just a tad down to skip his advertisement, just like getting a phone call selling you stuff you don't want.

                          If you want to offer free manuals Private Message!

                          Posting a full manual puts the sysop on the chopping block, because he controls the site and is liable for everything posted on his site.

                          If M4Y wants to sell cheap manuals, that is his right.
                          He pays for advertising.

                          I have bought a manual from him because he was the only one that had the manual I needed.
                          Honestly I got what I paid for.
                          Paul ....Clean your optics.

                          I hate to loose a lot of information because of BS Rep points that should be treated no more than a high five for the help.

                          Can't we all get along????????????

                          Well stated


                          • Stirton.M
                            All things Konica Minolta

                            1,000+ Posts
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 1804

                            Originally posted by nmfaxman
                            All of those that have been a member of this site for a while know about M4Y.
                            Whoopty Fricken Doo!
                            If you don't like his advertising don't buy from him.
                            Take his posts with a grain of salt.

                            Can't we all get along????????????
                            I'll make an effort to keep the peace.....
                            "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
                            ---Groucho Marx

                            Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
                            I will not answer requests or questions there.
                            Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.


                            • Stirton.M
                              All things Konica Minolta

                              1,000+ Posts
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 1804

                              Originally posted by prntrfxr
                              People who become techs:

                              Individuals on both sides should try to be respectful of one another. We are professionals after all. Just my 2 cents.
                              And like fixthecopier, that list fits me too. Scary.
                              "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
                              ---Groucho Marx

                              Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
                              I will not answer requests or questions there.
                              Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.

