All of those that have been a member of this site for a while know about M4Y.
Whoopty Fricken Doo!
If you don't like his advertising don't buy from him.
Take his posts with a grain of salt.
All you have to do is roll your mouse wheel just a tad down to skip his advertisement, just like getting a phone call selling you stuff you don't want.
If you want to offer free manuals Private Message!
Posting a full manual puts the sysop on the chopping block, because he controls the site and is liable for everything posted on his site.
If M4Y wants to sell cheap manuals, that is his right.
He pays for advertising.
I have bought a manual from him because he was the only one that had the manual I needed.
Honestly I got what I paid for.
Paul ....Clean your optics.
I hate to loose a lot of information because of BS Rep points that should be treated no more than a high five for the help.
Can't we all get along????????????
Whoopty Fricken Doo!
If you don't like his advertising don't buy from him.
Take his posts with a grain of salt.
All you have to do is roll your mouse wheel just a tad down to skip his advertisement, just like getting a phone call selling you stuff you don't want.
If you want to offer free manuals Private Message!
Posting a full manual puts the sysop on the chopping block, because he controls the site and is liable for everything posted on his site.
If M4Y wants to sell cheap manuals, that is his right.
He pays for advertising.
I have bought a manual from him because he was the only one that had the manual I needed.
Honestly I got what I paid for.
Paul ....Clean your optics.
I hate to loose a lot of information because of BS Rep points that should be treated no more than a high five for the help.
Can't we all get along????????????