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Thanks for your support! Click Ad-Free / VIP on the navbar. Here are the two options: The Top one gives you some perks in appreciation for your support and the bottom one gives you a contributor badge, which is the closest thing we have to a straight-up donation.
Options.png👍 1 -
Hi, How does someone make a one time contribution? I cannot find contribute / donate tab since the new site design. When I send firmware or manuals to new members I ask them to make a small donation to this website. I've had a few ask where to make the donation but I can't help them. I feel foolish asking for donation then not being able to tell them whereThanks
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Hi, How does someone make a one time contribution? I cannot find contribute / donate tab since the new site design. When I send firmware or manuals to new members I ask them to make a small donation to this website. I've had a few ask where to make the donation but I can't help them. I feel foolish asking for donation then not being able to tell them whereThanks
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Hi, How does someone make a one time contribution? I cannot find contribute / donate tab since the new site design. When I send firmware or manuals to new members I ask them to make a small donation to this website. I've had a few ask where to make the donation but I can't help them. I feel foolish asking for donation then not being able to tell them whereThanks
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This site has been acting strange today and a few other times over the past week or so. When I use Chrome, it had me logged in under a different name and couldn't log out. It also didn't show any of the forums. When I logged in using Edge, all was fine.👍 1Leave a comment:
I just noticed something strange. Between your reply and mine was a bar that said "New replies since 03:11 PM." I wonder if the system thinks I am in a different time zone or that I am still on Daylight Savings Time?Leave a comment:
It seems to have corrected itself. I can now click the Forum tab and it goes to the proper page.Leave a comment:
slimslob - I've had the same issue in the past after installing updates and/or messing with the database, which I did a few times over the weekend. It sometimes takes a few attempts at logging out/in and a few SHIFT-F5 page reloads to get it to stabilize. The incorrect user Icon (yours as an "A") is an indicator that something is off. If it doesn't fix itself soon you can clear your browser cache for this site and you should be good.
Also, how/why is your page right-aligned? Is that your usual setup? I don't have any right-aligned languages loaded, so I'm surprised it showed up that way.
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Lol, some guys will be happy if slimslob is banned (not me of course).
Seriously I have no problems nor idea how you get there. The good thing is you are here and not missing like Phil B. I hope he's well.Leave a comment:
Ran into something this morning. Tried accessing the site with my usual Firefox Bookmark, and got the following.
The down arrows next to the circled A and Notifications worked, I decided to try the Bookmark I use to access RREE and able to get in but clicking on the Forums tab gave me the same thing. I then found that just above Rants, Raves, and Everything Else there was a line that was:a Home Symbol > Forum > Non-Technical Forums > Rants, Raves, and Everything Else
Clicking the word Forum got me to the forums page.
I changed my Firefox Bookmark to and that works.👍 1Leave a comment:
Is there any way to see list of devices that a person is logged in from?Leave a comment:
New: Log Out From All Devices
If you access the site from multiple devices and ever feel the need to force a logout from all browsers you can use the "Log Out All Devices" button in user settings. You can find the settings in User Settings (upper right of screen) >> Account (tab) >> Log Out All Devices (near the bottom of the list).
Here's a shortcut: Copytechnet Account Settings
Attached FilesLast edited by Aneurysm; 12-08-2024, 08:05 AM.
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