Cannot Edit My Post.

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  • Larhal
    Originally posted by BillyCarpenter
    Just a side note but a VIP Subscription has its benefits. Including extended editing periods:

    VIP Access to
    This subscription comes with:
    - A Gold "VIP User" badge.
    - Ad-Free Browsing*
    - Ability to change your Display Name
    - Extended Edit Periods
    - Extended Delete Access**
    Yes You are correct but I tried to edit 2 minutes after my post. OK I just tried again and it worked.
    Last edited by Larhal; 01-10-2025, 05:00 PM. Reason: Tried to edit.

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  • BillyCarpenter
    Just a side note but a VIP Subscription has its benefits. Including extended editing periods:

    VIP Access to
    This subscription comes with:
    - A Gold "VIP User" badge.
    - Ad-Free Browsing*
    - Ability to change your Display Name
    - Extended Edit Periods
    - Extended Delete Access**

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  • tsbservice
    Test result:
    Successfully deleted XYZ

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  • tsbservice
    I will want to delete the following characters:

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  • Larhal
    started a topic Cannot Edit My Post.

    Cannot Edit My Post.

    When I try to edit a post it opens up but I cannot put the curser any ware to edit the post. I will try to edit this one as I will want to delete the following characters: XYZ
    Last edited by Larhal; 01-10-2025, 12:23 PM. Reason: Cannot do it