Sure was nice back in the old days when you could order a new copier or whatever and have it arrive in a couple of days. Way back in 2019.
New machines!
Re: New machines!
Local inventory is king now especially on A4 color. The Toshiba e389cs & e330AC are great copiers but hard to get and if when available, you wait, you are not getting any for maybe two or more months.
Just today I had a copier delivery that normally tales three days take thirteen.
The good ole' days are gone for at least the next six months.
President Biden has enabled the ports of LA & Long Beach to reduce their container backlog by 27% as reported today. This will overall help the print industry.Comment
Tip for the day; Treat every problem as your dog would.....If you cant eat it or f*ck it....then p*ss on it & walk away...Comment
Re: New machines!
It's funny how the tables have turned on these "big dealers" because these are the same scumbags that would libel and slander our company for offering a lightly used off lease alternative for potential clients as if they were garbage machines.Comment
Re: New machines!
Used copiers represent a snap shot in time of the copier technology available at that time. Many times customers only care about price but sometimes they need modern features like MS365 that can only be found in new copiers.
COVID has created a huge demand for used copiers because new copiers have become difficult to import. As a result, quality used copiers are becoming harder to get and increasing in cost.Comment
Re: New machines!
... in other words you were both quoting used copiers.
Used copiers represent a snap shot in time of the copier technology available at that time. Many times customers only care about price but sometimes they need modern features like MS365 that can only be found in new copiers.
COVID has created a huge demand for used copiers because new copiers have become difficult to import. As a result, quality used copiers are becoming harder to get and increasing in cost.
Our ex rentals are normally just over 3 years old, as that's how long they go out for, our competitors were/are putting out much older machines, still as ex demo, we are cheaper, but the customer is willing to pay more for a "newer" machine.Tip for the day; Treat every problem as your dog would.....If you cant eat it or f*ck it....then p*ss on it & walk away...Comment
Re: New machines!
what now? you can order machines without boards?
-that reminds of a local company whose owner was kind of sketchy....we were ordering new Sharp copiers- analogs back then- from a company in PA. I was talking with our guy from there and he asked me if I knew this other guy. Yes I said...The Sharp guy said he had complained he got a brand new machine with no drum unit in it. And I think another time maybe main board was missing. (Or maybe it was bad...this was back in the 90s).Comment