I updated my OS 10.15.7 to the new 11.0.1 so I can run tests before I jump onto a customers unit running the same OS. A few weeks ago one of my techs came across this OS at a customers office and couldn't find the ppd on the Ricoh site. I don't like surprises at the customers site and on their hardware. Well for starter if your using a laptop it causes the battery to die in a few hours even if its not being used. I use to let my laptop [MACBOOK PRO mid 2016] go days without turning it off or charging it with out a problem. You will also lose the network utility app. One of the suggestions on the MAC board was to sign out of iCloud and then re-sign in. This caused my iPhone contacts to repeat itself in some cases up to 6 times..
I can't believe Apple let this new OS out without testing it better. Unless you need this OS for reasons stated above I would avoid it like the plague.
I can't believe Apple let this new OS out without testing it better. Unless you need this OS for reasons stated above I would avoid it like the plague.