Remote application for Excel

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  • Hansoon
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    Remote application for Excel

    Customer wants to be able to work on/modify Excel sheets and Word files from 3 locations. What do you guys advise using, Office 365 or other?

    " Sent from my Intel 80286 using MS-DOS 2.0 "
  • slimslob

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    Re: Remote application for Excel

    Collaborate on the files or just be able to access them from different locations? If the latter, any shared cloud drive will work using Office 365 or any emulator like Open Office. If they want to collaborate, they will need to Microsoft Teams or a similar cloud collaboration platform. Teams allows using Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Visio. Visio does require a license for editing.


    • Hansoon
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      Re: Remote application for Excel

      Customer said in the past that he needs to collaborate between his office and home where his hottie is sitting doing home office for him. However, he is in a new situation now, and I could imagine that things has changed. Hottie is coming more often to the office these days.

      " Sent from my Intel 80286 using MS-DOS 2.0 "


      • rthonpm
        Field Supervisor

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        Re: Remote application for Excel

        Originally posted by slimslob
        Collaborate on the files or just be able to access them from different locations? If the latter, any shared cloud drive will work using Office 365 or any emulator like Open Office. If they want to collaborate, they will need to Microsoft Teams or a similar cloud collaboration platform. Teams allows using Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Visio. Visio does require a license for editing.
        Microsoft has added the Visio web app as part of most subscriptions. It only works with files stored in OneDrive, Teams, or SharePoint online (really all the same thing).

        As cheap as the subscription is for what you get, especially for business accounts, it's going to be the best option.

        Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk


        • KenB
          Geek Extraordinaire

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          Re: Remote application for Excel

          For additional information, please post pictures of Hottie.
          “I think you should treat good friends like a fine wine. That’s why I keep mine locked up in the basement.” - Tim Hawkins


          • slimslob

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            Re: Remote application for Excel

            Originally posted by KenB
            For additional information, please post pictures of Hottie.
            Here is a full stack of them.


            • techsxge
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              Re: Remote application for Excel

              Originally posted by Hansoon
              Customer wants to be able to work on/modify Excel sheets and Word files from 3 locations. What do you guys advise using, Office 365 or other?

              I am using Nextcloud and Onlyoffice for this. Customers have been very happy with this Solution. You can install a Onlyoffice Document Server for free and use that to allow collaborating on all documents. Best thing is that onlyoffice hast like 99% compatiblity to MS Office Products


              • rthonpm
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                Re: Remote application for Excel

                Originally posted by techsxge
                I am using Nextcloud and Onlyoffice for this. Customers have been very happy with this Solution. You can install a Onlyoffice Document Server for free and use that to allow collaborating on all documents. Best thing is that onlyoffice hast like 99% compatiblity to MS Office Products
                What's your support on that? Uptime requirements? Does it meet regulatory requirements for security? Not that it can't be a good solution, but not many businesses really want to roll their own solution.

                In my experience, chasing free solutions often ends up being more expensive than just going with a paid provider of some kind.

                Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk


                • techsxge
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                  Re: Remote application for Excel

                  Originally posted by rthonpm
                  What's your support on that? Uptime requirements? Does it meet regulatory requirements for security? Not that it can't be a good solution, but not many businesses really want to roll their own solution.

                  In my experience, chasing free solutions often ends up being more expensive than just going with a paid provider of some kind.

                  Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
                  In terms of Security: It passes the DSGVO (German Data Privacy regulations) which Operating Systems like Microsoft Windows or Apple IOS do no pass. Everything else in terms of security setup is up to you how good you can secure a webserver (It is basically nothing more than a webserver).

                  The great thing about Onlyoffice is that it has a familiar GUI to a well known Microsoft Product
                  Nextcloud can be customized to what you need it to be: Meeting Platform, Fileserver, Task Scheduling, Project Managing, Time Managing, I think even inventory Management would be possible.
                  I am contributing Solutions to Problems in regards of Security and Performance directly to the official GitHub Repos / Projects.
                  Bug Hunting is being paid realy nice and fast on nextcloud and onlyoffice, especially if you compare them to the bughunting programs of Google and Microsoft (They either deny the issues or delay your payment by months, the first one more likely).

                  Not too sure what you meant with:
                  "What's your support on that?"
                  "Uptime requirements?"

                  I always try to update as fast as possible but put Major Version Updates at a point where most of the company is on vacation or has days off because after major Updates there might be a few problems popping up. To reduce the Problems its your best bet to wait 1-2 Weeks before pushing out Updates.
                  About Uptime requirements:
                  To give you a dimension: I have a 40-50 User Enviroment Setup on an Intel I5 10th Gen with 32GB of Ram and a 4TB Raid on a "normal" Gigabit Speed connection. Works like a charm even if they all work at the same time. Thinking about Upgrading to a new CPU though as i do not like my Systems to have more than 60% Usage at all time high.

                  Hope i answered your Questions?


                  • slimslob

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                    Re: Remote application for Excel

                    Originally posted by techsxge
                    Not too sure what you meant with:
                    "What's your support on that?"
                    "Uptime requirements?"
                    Does the software company offer 24/7 product support?


                    • techsxge
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                      Re: Remote application for Excel

                      Originally posted by slimslob
                      Does the software company offer 24/7 product support?
                      If you purchase a certain license, yes.
                      For the free Version there is normal support over text, replies still come within 12h from my experience


                      • rthonpm
                        Field Supervisor

                        2,500+ Posts
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                        Re: Remote application for Excel

                        So for a business customer, the only smart move would be a business/enterprise license. There's no way I'd risk mission critical data to forum or chat support.

                        The service still requires a little more roll your own work than I'd prefer, and the use case seems to be FUD based, but for those in Germany or the EU it may be an option.

                        Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk


                        • techsxge
                          Senior Tech

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                          Re: Remote application for Excel

                          Originally posted by rthonpm
                          So for a business customer, the only smart move would be a business/enterprise license. There's no way I'd risk mission critical data to forum or chat support.

                          The service still requires a little more roll your own work than I'd prefer, and the use case seems to be FUD based, but for those in Germany or the EU it may be an option.

                          Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
                          For a Business Customer, the smartes way would be to get someone who knows his way around his Server and the Software he is using.

                          In my opinion, both softwares are more to be installed and maintained by People who know what they are doing.
                          Someone who hast to follow a tutorial on how to setup a basic webserver should neither install nor try to maintain it. I've deployed both Applications over the past 2 years with a lot of customers and have not had any major issues. If you understand how logs work, you can fix issues with easy.
                          Microsoft Products often only require click&run only and if you have realy big issues good luck getting help
                          I can only vouch for Nextcloud and Onlyoffice by now, have had way more Issues with Microsoft Products than i had with those


                          • slimslob

                            Site Contributor
                            25,000+ Posts
                            • May 2013
                            • 35534

                            Re: Remote application for Excel

                            Originally posted by techsxge
                            For a Business Customer, the smartes way would be to get someone who knows his way around his Server and the Software he is using.

                            In my opinion, both softwares are more to be installed and maintained by People who know what they are doing.
                            Someone who hast to follow a tutorial on how to setup a basic webserver should neither install nor try to maintain it. I've deployed both Applications over the past 2 years with a lot of customers and have not had any major issues. If you understand how logs work, you can fix issues with easy.
                            That is what an IT department or Service is for. Even then it is best that the customer get a business/enterprise license with 24/7 telephone support that the IT can contact when needed

                            Microsoft Products often only require click&run only and if you have realy big issues good luck getting help
                            I can only vouch for Nextcloud and Onlyoffice by now, have had way more Issues with Microsoft Products than i had with those
                            Let Nexrcloud and Onlyoffice become popular enough to be noticed by the hacker community and the issues with them will start to become as noticeable as they are with Microsoft products. Are you aware that Dropbox, which is used by a lot of individuals as well as companies, was recently hacked and 130 code repositories stolen? Dropbox breached, GitHub repositories stolen


                            • KenB
                              Geek Extraordinaire

                              2,500+ Posts
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 3946

                              “I think you should treat good friends like a fine wine. That’s why I keep mine locked up in the basement.” - Tim Hawkins

