On average what are dealers charging to replace a bad HD (including labor) on devices that don't currently carry a contract? Also, does anyone know what Canon/Ricoh charge for a replacement HD?
Average cost to replace hard drive without a contract
canon is about 400 for the drive and then you still have to push the firmware back to it.
On the Toshiba line where I work it is about 150-175 for the drive and 150 for labor. That includes a reload of the firmware.And Star Trek was just a tv show...yeah right! -
Depends on the box and if you go threw the manufacturer to get it I would guess. Rizo wanted to charge us $800 for a drive once..... once.... And WE ARE A DEALER!!! DEALER!! WTF!! No wonder why Riso is slipping away. We just images a working one. Done.. done and done.Color is not 4 times harder... it's 65,000 times harder. They call it "TECH MODE" for a reason. I have manual's and firmware for ya, course... you are going to have to earn it.Comment
On ricohs that have a single drive, you can use an hdd that you purchase just about anywhere(we use Frye's). if it has dual drives, we get them from ricoh at about $400, our cost. if you can find the exact drives, that will also work. our labor charge is $125.00/hour. should take less than an hour.Comment