Typically, a firmware customization by any vendor is quite pricey, but possible. As Blackcat mentioned, the numbers would have to be there.
It seems a real shame to invest a lot of money just to take a capability away; perhaps a better solution would be to add a third party scan solution, such as eCopy, where these limitations can be easily set, as well as gaining of a ton of other features, such as OCR.
Minimum scan resolution
On Copystar & Kyocera Mita you can set a 300dpi default, but you can't specifically lock out changing the resolution.
If it's a big enough sales deal, the manufacturer may consider writing a special firmware to do this. I imagine they could just make the default 300dpi, then make the button disappear from the touch panel.
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Minimum scan resolution
Hi everybody,
The local university wants to implent a policy that states 300dpi as the minimum scanning resolution for archiving documents. Obviously the default can be set at 300dpi but the customers can always change that to something lower. Being a Konica dealer I spoke to our tech support about locking out scanning at lower resolutions and they told me flat out no, can't be done.
What I want to know is can any of the other manufacturers do this? I don't know if it would be much of an edge for them but it would be nice to know.
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