I have a canon c2030 advanced copier that wont fax. Tried new main board, new fax board. did MMi clear , dc con clear. no dial tone but states receiving but never answers or handshakes thanks gang copigurl
canon c2030
Re: canon c2030
Is there a Fax ## error code
Also is it connected in the right port.
Have you checked the fax line as well.
Here are some tips:
To check that the fax line is working / functional.
-- To check for noise (humming, popping, clicking, static, etc.). Always have the customer listen to the noise. It is their responsibility to provide a noise-free, error-free channel.
-- To check for long distance and international dialing access (newly installed lines may not be programmed correctly).
-- To check for Pin Code access (not every operator is familiar with the required dialing sequences).
2] Telephone Line Voltages: Fax machines communicate over single line phone networks where the 'Ring' and 'Tip' voltages are always located across the two center terminals. Line voltages are checked accordingly:
on-hook voltage (phone is hung up or no phone or device connected to the phone line)
--should read within the 48vDC ~ 52vDC range
--should read (zero) 0vAC (if there is any AC voltage on the phone line, this will prevent the Fax from Auto answering the incoming call)
off-hook voltage (phone is off-hook and dial tone is generated)
--should read within the 8 vDC ~ 12 vDC range
ringing voltage (incoming call)
--should read within the 75 vAC ~ 105 vAC range
3] RJ11-C Modular jack: Testing phone line voltages can be difficult if not impossible at times unless you can establish a really good connection to the phone line. The RJ11-C box can be used to establish a good connection.
--RJ11-C box with two female connectors (remove the cover and test with your meter across the red and green terminals). An additional phone cable is required.
--RJ11-C box with one male and one female connector; remove the cover and test with your meter across the red and green terminals).
4] Line Test Chart: This is usually requested by the technical support center when a Line Test is requested, or suggested. It may be any single-page document that has a lot of background, such that the transmission time exceeds two minutes.
5] Be a good Observer: To detect additional equipment that may be connected to the line.
6] Listen Carefully: To detect unusual and additional connected devices or conversations on the fax line.
7] Familiarity with fax modem signaling: This is helpful when determining if the responding modem is a fax or PC data modem. -
Re: canon c2030
thanks for the reply turns out the firmware needed updating with the canon service support tool, huda thunk it! copigurlComment