BizHub C253

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  • ldf4c


    BizHub C253


    I'm trying to setup FTP scanning to a shared folder using a C253. I keep getting an error on the C253 that says "No Specified Folder." I setup a destination on the C253, but that obviously isn't working. I did a bit of searching on here and I see that I need an FTP utility program? Which CD is that on or where do I find it? I was under the impression that I needed to setup an FTP site under Internet Information Server? Or do I not need to do that with the FTP utility?

  • B0265
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
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    If you want to scan to the ftp root directory, enter "\" as File Path when you set up the destination.

    You should be able use the IIS Ftp Server or any other Ftp Server. I use Home FTP Server, I think it's easier to use.
    Home Ftp Server - Free software downloads and reviews - CNET


    • Haroldbfix
      Trusted Tech

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      Originally posted by ldf4c

      I'm trying to setup FTP scanning to a shared folder using a C253. I keep getting an error on the C253 that says "No Specified Folder." I setup a destination on the C253, but that obviously isn't working. I did a bit of searching on here and I see that I need an FTP utility program? Which CD is that on or where do I find it? I was under the impression that I needed to setup an FTP site under Internet Information Server? Or do I not need to do that with the FTP utility?

      Sounds like the device cant find that folder. you can also use"." for the path. Make sure also port 21 is open in the firewall, it sounds like it is but it wouldnt hurt to check. If you do decide to use a FTP utility you will have to turn off the IIS in windows, other wise there will be a conflict on port 21 and the FTP wont work.


      • strider5555

        Site Contributor
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        Go to this link to download the Konica Minolta FTP utility. It comes with setup instructions and is super simple to use.It will work with 2K and xp.

        Konica Minolta Knowlegebase

        Also when setting up the one touch button on the C253 either from the touch panel or using pswc (pagescope web connection) the path to the file is / . Also be sure to put something in the password field if you are using anonymous access. Or you can set it up with a user name and password.


        • DadO
          Trusted Tech

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          Ur problem is that u didnt specified an FTP folder correctly.

          Example : When u instal an IIS(internet information service), u will find "default ftp site" under it
          (this is all when u click on my computer then right click on "menage")

          U will have in defult ftp site an adress under "local directory" tab that is C:\Inetpub\ftproot.

          U will go in c:>inetpub>ftproot and in ftproot directory u will make an directory like "scan" or any other name will doo.

          Then connect to the machine and under "scan" tab make an another ftp address.Type the ip of host(server) and under "path" u will write "scan"

          That will clear "No folder found" or similar messages

          OFfcorse put an extension in firewall or shut it down.

          u don't write the whole address like C:\Inetpub\ftproot\scan just enter scan since C:\Inetpub\ftproot is an active link (or in any other FTP utility )

