Total counter notification

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  • jwai
    Trusted Tech

    250+ Posts
    • May 2018
    • 499

    Total counter notification


    I set the machines with total counter notification through email monthly.
    This function is not so stable, that is, sometimes the meter wouldn't be received. I went to customer and pressed " send out " the meter email had been sent.
    Everybody have this experience ?
  • rrrohan
    Service Manager

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    Re: Total counter notification

    sometimes IT restrict email to external address via copier

    in these cases i have it send to one of the staff and then create a rule in outlook for it to forward it to our accounts team automatically.


    • jwai
      Trusted Tech

      250+ Posts
      • May 2018
      • 499

      Re: Total counter notification

      Originally posted by rrrohan
      sometimes IT restrict email to external address via copier

      in these cases i have it send to one of the staff and then create a rule in outlook for it to forward it to our accounts team automatically.
      For example, one copier sent total counter email normally on Jan to May, not on June.
      We visited and pressed " send now " manually and it sent, on July, it sent normally again.


      • Copier Addict
        Aging Tech

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        Re: Total counter notification

        Originally posted by jwai
        For example, one copier sent total counter email normally on Jan to May, not on June.
        We visited and pressed " send now " manually and it sent, on July, it sent normally again.

        Generally this means there was some disruption in the local network at the time the machine tried to send the report. I believe the machine only tries once and if it can't send it doesn't try again until the next month.
        What you could do is set up another schedule to the same email maybe for the day after.


        • tsbservice
          Field tech

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          Re: Total counter notification

          Originally posted by copier addict
          Generally this means there was some disruption in the local network at the time the machine tried to send the report. I believe the machine only tries once and if it can't send it doesn't try again until the next month.
          What you could do is set up another schedule to the same email maybe for the day after.
          I usually setup atleast 2 separate notifications because of that.
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          Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.


          • REGSIS
            Trusted Tech

            250+ Posts
            • May 2016
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            Re: Total counter notification

            I usually set it once a month, and every monday.
            I'm thinking to set it every monday and every thursday in the future.
            Notification is not sent if the machine is OFF obviously and if there's no internet connection.

            I use e-mail notifications for all my machines which support it, and is reliable regarding machine side.
            To be more reliable I created e-mail accounts on my domain and use my domain e-mail server.
            NO free Gmail, NO clients internet provider e-mail server which use non ssl (port 25) without authentication - sometimes it comes, sometimes not.

            Status is sent on 00:00 on the set day. If machine is OFF at that time status will be sent imediately after machine is turned ON again.

            I have half of accounts which turn OFF machine at the end of a work day. When counter notification comes in the morning (and not on midnight) I know exact hour (and minute) when they turned it ON.


            • rrrohan
              Service Manager

              Site Contributor
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              • Sep 2011
              • 1976

              Re: Total counter notification

              prob need their IT to investigate


              • jwai
                Trusted Tech

                250+ Posts
                • May 2018
                • 499

                Re: Total counter notification

                Originally posted by REGSIS
                I usually set it once a month, and every monday.
                I'm thinking to set it every monday and every thursday in the future.
                Notification is not sent if the machine is OFF obviously and if there's no internet connection.

                I use e-mail notifications for all my machines which support it, and is reliable regarding machine side.
                To be more reliable I created e-mail accounts on my domain and use my domain e-mail server.
                NO free Gmail, NO clients internet provider e-mail server which use non ssl (port 25) without authentication - sometimes it comes, sometimes not.

                Status is sent on 00:00 on the set day. If machine is OFF at that time status will be sent imediately after machine is turned ON again.

                I have half of accounts which turn OFF machine at the end of a work day. When counter notification comes in the morning (and not on midnight) I know exact hour (and minute) when they turned it ON.
                Generally I set the local internet provider smtp server which use port 25 and need smtp authentication.

