Had an old C654 traded in that we intended to use for a shop machine. Email wouldn't work through gmail, so I did the firmware update to the next level from the original base firmware. From Konica's tech support site. The machine updated, threw an internal code, reset, recover data came up, OK, rebooted and came to ready. All except the ADF which it no longer knows is even installed. ADF tab and firmware level is also not available in service mode. Trouble reset, machine initialize, logical format have all been tried with the same result. Cables and all have been reseated though the machine was never moved and the ADF was working fine before the firmware flash. Have flashed twice more moving back one level again, and firmware update always comes back as completed with check sums for all available options including the ADF
Any thoughts or ideas appreciated
TJL Copy Products
Any thoughts or ideas appreciated
TJL Copy Products