ok, is that the correct firmware for a refresh model?
Bizhub 287
thats what im asking you
there is usually a readme file for the firmware, it shows what models it applies to.
if the firmware you installed is for a system that uses the fan it will error out because it senses no speed signal.
its quite possible there is a firmware specific to the refresh models that does not look for the fan anymore.We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
The medication helps though...Comment
لقد ثبت اكثر من برنامج ثابت ونفس الخطا سي ٥٣٥٤ وطابعتي على الموديل الحديث الذي لا يوجد فيه مروحهComment
without reading the descriptions in the readme file, how do you know its the right version?
you said you tried multiple firmwares but did you read the description for it to make sure its the right VERSION for your refreshed machine.
i lost access to KM 2.5 years ago when i retired so i cant look it up for you.We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
The medication helps though...Comment
هل هذا الملف التمهيدي الذي تقصدهComment