C3350i switches back to main menu if you want make a copy or scan

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  • Markks
    Turn off sleep mode. All Konica's have trouble waking up from sleep mode

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  • WisamM
    Try this version G00-RD

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  • C3350i switches back to main menu if you want make a copy or scan

    Dear Technicians,

    does anyone know the problem of the C3350i when you want to make a copy or a scan you press copy or scan in main menu and then press start and the the machine switches back to the main menu. It can happen that the machine makes the copy or scan only after several attempts. It seems this happens when the machine wakes up from the sleep mode.
    I've updated the fimware (RF Version), replaced the CPU Board and initialized the machine and did the settings completely new.
    Thank you.