C3350i and marketplace

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  • Albonline
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Originally posted by emujo2
    what license are you speaking about? We are just trying to get the marketplace app to turn on..We haven't even gotten to the point where we want to add an app. E
    each mfp is licensed/registered with km. the newer machines will only show a license management error on the lms screen.

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  • allan
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Does it show a license management error any where? Try the old SN hack on it and change the serial back again. As far as I understand that will still work on the newer machines.

    Sure the board replacement procedure was followed correctly?

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  • emujo2
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    what license are you speaking about? We are just trying to get the marketplace app to turn on..We haven't even gotten to the point where we want to add an app. E

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  • Albonline
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    FYI no km app will load without the unit having a valid license.

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  • Albonline
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Originally posted by allan
    Don't have one to check but can you change the main body SN# on this model?
    yes like c250i as far as os architecture.

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  • allan
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Don't have one to check but can you change the main body SN# on this model?

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  • Albonline
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Originally posted by emujo2
    It's interesting you mention the S/N's We haev verified that the machine's S/N is correct, A93Exxxxxxxxx, but LMS says its AC7XXXXXXXXXXX. I wonder if a wrong ADF or Scanner S/N is causing this..Will check as we have not made any progress.
    did you reset the base board before you booted the machine up ? the sn differences signify two different speed units. (you would have to have put the id board in with the base to end up with what you say is happening).

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  • emujo2
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    It's interesting you mention the S/N's We haev verified that the machine's S/N is correct, A93Exxxxxxxxx, but LMS says its AC7XXXXXXXXXXX. I wonder if a wrong ADF or Scanner S/N is causing this..Will check as we have not made any progress.

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  • Albonline
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Originally posted by allan
    Are the licenses are tied to the MAC address?

    yes, to the base board actually base cpu id and ssd are involved in the licensing. check the sn's of the scanner and adf and main body. you may need to get an initialization code.

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  • emujo2
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    I'm not sure, but the MAC address is not what KM thinks it is, and due to SSL issues we are unable to get into the PSWC to generate the code we need. Ed

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  • allan
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Are the licenses are tied to the MAC address?

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  • tsbservice
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    What a waste of time and money on such mangy machine. Is the marketplace enabled under IWS?
    Can you initialize all and start setup from the beginning?

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  • emujo2
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Yes..the option is there, but when you enable, restart, after a few min it says "can't connect to marketplace" and throws a 0015 error. We have several other of these and other i series on the same network segment that are functioning fine. Tech can get to the internet when connected to the same port, and Vcare is working..Seems like the issue the APP cannot reach marketplace to either install or update. Unfortunately we are trying to add a onedrive app so we have to get it working. Thanks for any input..E

    Edit...Tech did replace the baseboard..this changes the MAC address and requires a procedure to be performed and LMS updated..This is probably what the issue is..The tech is unable to get into HTTPS://XXX to get a request code. We are gonna try a new cert and SSL/TLS settings next week to see if this resolves the issue.

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  • allan
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    Yea that I disabled during the installations. What if you search for it under admin with the search function. Nothing there?

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  • blackcat4866
    Re: C3350i and marketplace

    I've removed Marketplace from plenty of those C3350i series. We have a customer that runs PaperCut that insists that it interferes with the PaperCut installation. I've become fairly adept at removing it.

    Perhaps it's an early release machine that did not get the installation. Is the firmware up to date? =^..^=

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