Di850 et al. Drum Wraps

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  • mtech
    Welcome to winter!

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  • langelot
    Well, I would take a good look at your drum seperation claws/picker fingers. Pull out everything out of the drum carriage and with a precision screwdriver, try actuating the plunger on the solenoid which controls the up/down movement of the claws. Make sure that all three are moving properly and in unison. Sometimes, particularly if the machine has been running dirty, the solenoid will get choked up with toner ad will need to be dissasembled and cleaned out. Also, and this is very common, the springs which will give the claws return movement become fairly ionized/oxidized with build-up and may need to be soaked in a solvent/cleaner. The same goes for the fulcrum shaft upon which the claws actually ride. The best way to clean that is (after removing the claws) cleaning it nice and bright with a pad of scotch bright. Also be careful while handling the springs - they are fairly delicate and will bend easily. It is easy to get one of the spring's loops to ride on top of another and prevent the spring from doing its job properly. Hope this helps.

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  • Copier Whisperer
    started a topic Di850 et al. Drum Wraps

    Di850 et al. Drum Wraps

    We've had numerous machines lately that tend to drum wrap and jam (J32-02's). They all are the large machines, di850, 7075, B920, etc. Tweeking the S-T currents no help. New S-T units, suction fans OK, even tried prayer and cussing. NSSG & SSD about as useful as feathers on a snake, as usual. Nothing so far. Anyone have any ideas?