i keep getting a c0500 code(low fuser temp at warm up) at random times. i do a trouble reset and the its ok for about a day. have replaced A board and thurmister. any suggestions???
di 200f
i Agree the contact does give problems , you can however also check to see if the door closes properly , if you take of the front cover , that is normally the cover with the model name written on it you will see a black switch that is made when the door closes so check to see if this switch is made properly or even replace it. p.s i think the di 200 is the same as the
di 250 since we do not have the di200 in south africa.Comment
The Di200 is similar to the Di251/351. It is a later machine to the Di250/350. The image unit is the same but the fuser (and a lot else) is different. But the lamps do give those errors!
Kendall.If you are hitting your head up against a wall it always feels better when you stop.Comment