initial printing to a new 601 tested ok after installation. I've since imported account track registration information ok from a C360 but now when I send a print job it fails to print with 'no account set for group authentication' as the error.
I've configured the 601 with the same settings, where possible, as the 360. User Authentication is Off on both machines, Account Track is On (Password Only) but I don't know enough about them to troubleshoot from here. There appears to be no ssl certificate installed on the 601 whereas there is one on the 360 but I don't know if this is relevant.
Am I just missing something basic?
initial printing to a new 601 tested ok after installation. I've since imported account track registration information ok from a C360 but now when I send a print job it fails to print with 'no account set for group authentication' as the error.
I've configured the 601 with the same settings, where possible, as the 360. User Authentication is Off on both machines, Account Track is On (Password Only) but I don't know enough about them to troubleshoot from here. There appears to be no ssl certificate installed on the 601 whereas there is one on the 360 but I don't know if this is relevant.
Am I just missing something basic?