MINE was caused by toggling 'original size detect option' in system settings in service mode. That should always be off in the USA. The option is to detect non-inch sizes and is only present in the machine in Europe/UK/Japan.
Also, had to cycle power as suggested by Hansoon to make it 'stick'. I'll NEVER turn that on again. Sad part is I NOW REMEMBER them telling us this IN SCHOOL <blush>
Minolta di251 original detect
I've been fighting this SAME ISSUE on two 251's, both with fax option, and now one Di2010f!!
This time, I was in service mode, and toggling things on and off.....I don't think that's what did it. I was trying to adjust my scan-through adf because my lead and side reg's. were way off. When I got done futzing with it, it would only scan HALF of a lt-r page on the glass!! I've had the F7 debacle as well and thought THAT was what caused it. Does ANYONE KNOW (HANS?) what the little asterisk does in service mode??? Also, what does the following do exactly? Orientation change, enable memory recall, original size detect option (in service mode, not user mode)????
How is it that my just changint values in Sheet-through adf would affect the BOOK scanner??? This is a maddening problem. I need a concrete answer as to what caused this. If you put the LT-r sheet 1/4" away from the lead edge guide, it scans it all. 11" length and it scans 5.5" WHY?? WHAT DID I DO????
It sure wasn't F7 at all.
Thanks. Mitch James
Rockin Repair
www.rockinrepair.comLeave a comment:
Thanks, I'll remember about the f7-2 but I went out today & got it working. After F7-1, turn off machine & back on. Don't press end or anything else. Unusual in that almost every other adjustment requires you to press end or enter to accept changes, but apparantly it's opposite on this one particular adjustment.Leave a comment:
Put several sheets of A3 size (or your equivalent) on the platen and execute F7-1. Leave with the END button.
Now execute F7-2 and repeat until the values in the display do not change anymore. Do not leave F7-2 with the END button but switch off the machine.
HansLeave a comment:
Minolta di251 original detect
Hey all, went to clear a jam today (simple enough) & noticed that it wasn't detecting letter-r size paper. It was detecting legal, though. So, in my infinite stupidity, I decided to do the F7-1 original sensor adjustment. Now it won't even detect legal. Of course this is only on the glass, using the feeder works fine. Not a major problem but one I would I like to get fixed. I don't understand why doing the adjustment made it worse. Any ideas, anyone?
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