BizHub C253 error "InternalOverflow". What does it mean?

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  • ned4spd8874
    • Feb 2025

    BizHub C253 error "InternalOverflow". What does it mean?

    I'm glad I found this forum and hope that I can find some support. In my workplace, we just get this weird error when we try to print a certain document. Everything else prints fine, just this one causes and error. Instead of the page printing out, we get this on the paper that comes out of the copier instead:

    PCL XL error
    Error:      InternalOverflow
    Operator:   BeginImage
    Position:   108
    Does anyone know what this means? I've tried updating the driver to the most recent one and it still will not print. Thanks in advance for any help!
  • Stirton.M
    All things Konica Minolta

    1,000+ Posts
    • Oct 2009
    • 1804

    There is some kind of formatting in the document that is incorrect and it is causing the error.

    It really depends on what you are printing. If you are printing a PDF, select "print as image" from the "advanced" button on the first print dialog that pops up. This will flatten the image and send it as a rasterized image, instead of raw data.

    Alternatively, install the PS driver and try printing the document from that. In general, both drivers should be installed for eventualities like this specific issue and an assortment of other problems like colour blends, font issues, graphic anomalies. Print as image for PDFs is also available in the PS driver.

    A third option is to print the document to a virtual PDF printer like the one typically installed by Acrobat Pro, or any third party PDF virtual printer and then print that document to the printer.
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    • ned4spd8874

      Okay, I'll try the PS driver. It's a Excel file, but it does have an image in it. But the file itself is only 90k, so it can't be that big.


      • Stirton.M
        All things Konica Minolta

        1,000+ Posts
        • Oct 2009
        • 1804

        Its not really a file size issue, there is some kind of data error, either in the file itself, or something to do with that image, like perhaps the image itself is a postscript generated image format.
        "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
        ---Groucho Marx

        Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
        I will not answer requests or questions there.
        Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.


        • ned4spd8874

          Using the PS driver worked. Thanks!

