Re: white line and printing not even on bizhub c300
have you run the half tone test sheets to check the drums?
try the half tones on 11x17 and run 5 sheets of each colour.
this will give you a better indication of where this issue resides.
just by what I see on these samples it almost looks like it could be a drum unit issue.
what print driver are you using to print with?
when you cleaned the laser glass, did you put a drop of alcohol on the cleaning stick before you did it?
white line and printing not even on bizhub c300
Guest repliedRe: white line and printing not even on bizhub c300
Hi everyone,
KM7155 , yes I printed the same file on all the machines..
mo0651 ,yes I cleaned the laser glass..
Shadow , the file is created not scanned on the machine..
Thanks for replying guys..appreciate it..
anyway, attached is the original created file and the printed file using bhc253 and bhc353..
I asked a friend somewhere else to try print the file using his machine bhc350 with fiery board and he said the printing is ok..but I haven't seen the printed file yet cause he kind of busy and don't have the time to send me the file..will update about this later...
Thanks again..Leave a comment:
Re: white line and printing not even on bizhub c300
if you have taken this same file to other machines to print it, and the result is always the same.
This would indicate to me that maybe there is a problem with this file.
is this a file that was created or scanned to a machine?Leave a comment:
Re: white line and printing not even on bizhub c300
Have you cleaned the laser glass?Leave a comment:
Re: white line and printing not even on bizhub c300
are u trying to say that u print the same file to all the machines?Leave a comment:
white line and printing not even on bizhub c300
Hi everyone,
Got problem on bizhub c300..the printing is not even(refer the attached file)..
This problem only appears on certain file particularly pdf file and on printing function only(not copy)..
I have tried to print the file on other bizhub model c253 and c353 but same problem..Attached FilesTags: None
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