Hi, i have attached 2 files that shows the defect print which is take in KM C-6501. I have replaced the colour registration unit,Lazer unit (M,Y,K) but still the print defect shows up.It is really bad in some part of the text print that is take on 300gsm 13-19 size which i have attached and the defect shows in the first and middle row of the print but the defect is not showing up on plain and 170gsm.
The first time i have replace the Lazer unit and done with the procedures is showed improvement but again gone to bad after few days, it happened the same with the colour registration unit.I have done colour registration adjustment Auto and manual.
The first time i have replace the Lazer unit and done with the procedures is showed improvement but again gone to bad after few days, it happened the same with the colour registration unit.I have done colour registration adjustment Auto and manual.