I have a C454e that refuses to let users use a USB stick regardless of file system or brand. I have tried firmware and our KMBS rep suggested MFP board replacement. So we ordered a board. When we went to replace the board we forgot to acknowledge an SSD article on board replacement for these 4e machines. So... We installed the old board. It lost all of the settings but, like a good IT person I backed up all of the settings. When we powered the MFP back up with the old board and the lost settings the USB feature was available and working. I told my co-worker I bet we lose that functionality when we restore these settings. I was right... Should have put a few $$ on it. We have over 100 bizhub xx4e and Cxx4e machines deployed in this school district. The network is managed by a central entity within the school district but this machine has been giving us trouble. All of the others work just fine. Was something missed when the MFP was set up? They were installed back in November. Is there some sort of policy that could be disabling the feature? Is there a setting i need to verify?
Externam Memory: This function is currentyly not available.
Tags: None
Re: Externam Memory: This function is currentyly not available.
If authentication is on those features are disabled by default for both the public and registered users. EmujoIf you don't see your question answered in the forum, please don't think it's OK to PM me for a personal reply...I do not give out firmware and/or manuals.Comment
Re: Externam Memory: This function is currentyly not available.
Re: Externam Memory: This function is currentyly not available.
I'd initialize the machine and start fresh with no imports if this is just the only machine in the schools causing issue. Its the hard way but safer way, i'd say. But I am sure you have already thought of this option, probably a lot of acc and address to put in, right?
How about importing from a different machine that runs fine? Have you tried that?Comment
Re: Externam Memory: This function is currentyly not available.
Forgot to mention that this message is displayed at power on until the NIC and HDD are ready for use. A lengthy display may mean you have a problem with one of these components. I would also look in the service mode for abort codes that might be listed. EmujoIf you don't see your question answered in the forum, please don't think it's OK to PM me for a personal reply...I do not give out firmware and/or manuals.Comment
Re: Externam Memory: This function is currentyly not available.
We got it. We had to change a setting that was conflicting. Utility > administrator settings> user authentication account track> page 2> scan to authorized folder settings> set to do not limit.
Then we were instantly able to use USB. Part of the trouble with these newer machines is all of the software they add to increase functionality. Some of my co-workers are old school. They have problems diagnosing hardware from software. Thank you all for the help.Comment
Re: Externam Memory: This function is currentyly not available.
We got it. We had to change a setting that was conflicting. Utility > administrator settings> user authentication account track> page 2> scan to authorized folder settings> set to do not limit.
Then we were instantly able to use USB. Part of the trouble with these newer machines is all of the software they add to increase functionality. Some of my co-workers are old school. They have problems diagnosing hardware from software. Thank you all for the help.
Sent from my iDon't believe in marketing device using TapatalkComment
Re: Externam Memory: This function is currentyly not available.
You keep saying "we" tried this, "we" did this in all your posts and then throw your coworker "under the bus" for being old school. Kind of disrespectful I would say..just my two centsComment