oki es3640e major printing faults

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  • Alastair38
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    Originally posted by blackcat4866
    Sorry, I don't know. =^..^=
    ok, thanks. I tried it and it wouldn't get past communication error, I thought it would work, in theory. Unless I have two broken main boards, which is a possiblity.

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  • blackcat4866
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    Originally posted by Alastair38
    If I used the main board from the c9800 and put the HDD and the eeprom from the es3640 on it, would that work? And not change over the key chip, or anything else?
    Sorry, I don't know. =^..^=

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  • Alastair38
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    Originally posted by blackcat4866
    If you replaced the main board, then yes, you could fix it. I suspect that you won't be able to repair the damaged board. =^..^=
    If I used the main board from the c9800 and put the HDD and the eeprom from the es3640 on it, would that work? And not change over the key chip, or anything else?

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  • Blizzoo
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    Sorry for misleading. Good to know you found the problem.

    I was probably misled by the colleague who replaced the Transfer Belt. I hope I can find the samples to upload them here for a opinion.

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  • blackcat4866
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    If you replaced the main board, then yes, you could fix it. I suspect that you won't be able to repair the damaged board. =^..^=

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  • Alastair38
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    It wasn't the transfer belt, I took out the main board and swapped it into a c9800, and now the c9800 prints with exactly the same error - so the problem traveled with the main board, which means it probably isn't something I'm going to be able to fix?

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  • Alastair38
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    Originally posted by Blizzoo
    I had this strange fault and spent hours disassembling and fitting Drum Units, swapped LED units with working ones, replace whole LED ribbon cables, both SYS and Logic boards, Memory module, HDD format, FW updates you name it.

    It was the freaking Transfer Belt causing that - 2 min job. I don't know how and why - no explanation I could think of
    Thanks, that's easy to check, I'll have a look.

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  • blackcat4866
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    Originally posted by Blizzoo
    I had this strange fault and spent hours disassembling and fitting Drum Units, Led ribbon cables, both SYS and Logic boards, Memory you name it.

    It was the freaking Transfer Belt causing that - 2 min job. I don't know how and why - no explanation I could think of
    So if it is the primary transfer belt, Alastair should be able to emergency stop the machine, and see the exact same latent image on the belt ... not a good latent image.

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  • Blizzoo
    Re: oki es3640e major printing faults

    I had this strange fault and spent hours disassembling and fitting Drum Units, swapped LED units with working ones, replace whole LED ribbon cables, both SYS and Logic boards, Memory module, HDD format, FW updates you name it.

    It was the freaking Transfer Belt causing that - 2 min job. I don't know how and why - no explanation I could think of

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  • Alastair38
    started a topic oki es3640e major printing faults

    oki es3640e major printing faults

    we moved an es3640e that was working fine. After it was moved I tested it and there were big problems, the pages had a solid block of cyan for the background and the magenta running in long bands. I replaced all the drums and toner - same problem though, or similar, the cyan disappeared completely on the second PS test sheet. I've attached a few photos, any ideas on where to start looking?

    PS Test Page.jpgPS TEST PAGE 2.jpgDEMO PAGE.jpgCOLOR CAL PAGE.jpg