Rioch aficio 3045 prints a grid

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  • Users Tech
    Re: Rioch aficio 3045 prints a grid

    open the right cover and see if the line is in the drum. if you see the line then check the drum, pcr, wiper blade, drum seal and also the picker finger. if not then check upper roller of the fuser. hope this helps.

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  • jonhiker
    Re: Rioch aficio 3045 prints a grid

    I would say it istime for a PM.. also, be sure to check the hot roller

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  • slimslob
    Re: Rioch aficio 3045 prints a grid

    Looks to me like you have a scratch of the drum surface. The repeating spot where the lines cross is from the the the scratch. It has causes a ring to build up on the charge roll which gives a line down the page. The scratch goes to the bare metal which causes the charge roller to moment short to ground causing a no charge line across the page.

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  • bob marley
    Re: Rioch aficio 3045 prints a grid

    Originally posted by mikadonovan
    the lines across the page (looks like charge roller marks).
    or development roller marks

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  • mikadonovan
    Re: Rioch aficio 3045 prints a grid

    I'm not seeing a grid, but I do see the line from top to bottom (looks like the coating is worn off the hot roller at one of the strippers), and the lines across the page (looks like charge roller marks).

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  • danielhaze
    started a topic Rioch aficio 3045 prints a grid

    Rioch aficio 3045 prints a grid

    Hi, I have a ricoh aficio 3045 machine printing a grid or just a seccition of a grid, the sqquares on the gird are big like 5 cm in each side, I nkow the problem is in the image unit but I can not understand how this patter is generated. The grid appears in prints and copies. Can anyone give me some idea about what ist happening here?

    Image 055.jpg

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