My ricoh spc430dn showed sc 314. I replaced the Drum unit, I replaced the HVPS, but sc314 does not work. The contacts are all clean, I checked, but there is no result. Help me please!
if you have replaced the drum, and the hvps, almost certainly there is a problem with the front panel that closes the pcdu with the lever, some contact sheet will have bent, I remember that always found them all rickety, and they close badly, in short....a system of the cazzo.Last edited by luca72; 11-19-2024, 08:22 PM."loneliness is an invention of the white man, when we are alone we talk to everything around us, we are never alone" (Ojibwa)👍 1 -
I installed the side door that presses the drum unit with the green lever from the working printer, the error remained 314. And a miracle, when I put this door back on the working printer, it also showed I have two Ricoh sp c430 with error 314. Maybe there are some other options for repairing this error?Comment
I installed the side door that presses the drum unit with the green lever from the working printer, the error remained 314. And a miracle, when I put this door back on the working printer, it also showed I have two Ricoh sp c430 with error 314. Maybe there are some other options for repairing this error?Last edited by luca72; 11-20-2024, 12:34 PM."loneliness is an invention of the white man, when we are alone we talk to everything around us, we are never alone" (Ojibwa)Comment
i see on octopus, and there isnt bullettins about the spc430,
anyway the problem its circuscript to:
-pcdu cyano broken or badly connected
-door conctact
-door harness
-hvt board, but you have changed
i don want that the short harness make blow the HVT board
"loneliness is an invention of the white man, when we are alone we talk to everything around us, we are never alone" (Ojibwa)Comment
According to the copyright date on the service manual, it is a 14 year old model and no longer supported by Ricoh👍 1Comment
I hated that machine!
Huge....heavy....and above all complicated to disassemble!
then the pcdus and the toner Hopper, kept breaking alternately repeatedly"loneliness is an invention of the white man, when we are alone we talk to everything around us, we are never alone" (Ojibwa)😎 2Comment
Luka, I explained the situation incorrectly. I have two Ricoh 430. On the first one, the error appeared when I tried to adjust the DC voltage because there was a duplicate image. When sc 314 appeared, I replaced the HVPS board, put all 4 drum units, the side door, and the transfer belt in it. Startup also gave sc 314. But when I put all 4 drum units, the side door, and the transfer belt back into a well-functioning printer, it also gives 314. Can a drum unit store this error?Comment
Luka, I didn't explain the situation correctly. I have two Ricoh 430. On the first one, the error appeared when I tried to adjust the DC voltage because there was a duplicate image. When sc 314 appeared, I replaced the HVPS board, put all 4 drum units, the side door, and the transfer belt from my second working ricoh 430 into it. Starting up also gave sc 314. But when I put all 4 drum units, the side door, and the transfer belt back into a well-functioning printer, it also gave 314. Can a drum unit store this error?Comment
Hello! I adjusted it on one, and on the second I only installed 4 drams, a side cover and a transfer tape, after I replaced the hvps, then I put it back on the working one and it gave 314. I didn't make any adjustments on it, I just pulled it out and put it back. It only gave sc 314 from the rearrangement.Comment
"loneliness is an invention of the white man, when we are alone we talk to everything around us, we are never alone" (Ojibwa)Comment