Mp9002 dont permit to change/manage address book via wim

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  • Gift
    Originally posted by slimslob

    No, it is the one you use when you trade in a machine and need to erase the entire address book but not anything else.
    I'm pretty shure the MFP will ask for new credentials if you run that SP in factory mode and restart the machine^^

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    I wouldn't rule it out.

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  • luca72
    Originally posted by GIUBOSS
    Have you checked the error/code log for the result?
    no, that type of operation is not displayed in the configuration log, it seems like a script error (?) maybe using the browser's debug function you can see where the stumbling point is.
    I'm starting to suspect a little, since the address book was not deleted by formatting the hdd, that it is on the nv-ram, and that perhaps this is working badly...perhaps?

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  • slimslob
    Originally posted by Gift

    Is this the SP called like "UCS initialize all Settings / Adress Book...." you would use in factory SP in case the admin password is lost?
    In case It's not you might try this out. Otherwise I would try and Factory reset the MFP with user tools/admin settings method.
    No, it is the one you use when you trade in a machine and need to erase the entire address book but not anything else.

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    Have you checked the error/code log for the result?

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  • luca72
    Originally posted by Gift

    Is this the SP called like "UCS initialize all Settings / Adress Book...." you would use in factory SP in case the admin password is lost?
    In case It's not you might try this out. Otherwise I would try and Factory reset the MFP with user tools/admin settings method.

    I forgot to write this, but reset sp801 UCS, was one of the first things I tried, and it had no effect.

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  • luca72
    Originally posted by slimslob

    Have you tried to edit the address book through User Tools. I can't remember if the Address Book on that model is stored on the HDD or in NVram. If it was on the HDD, it is gone unless someone had made a backup either through WIM or SP mode. I always trained my customers to make a backup through WIM anytime there were changes.
    probably the address book is on nv-ram, because I formatted the disk and it was not deleted.
    from user tools it is possible to edit the address book, and also from wim using the guided insertion.... only the insertion/modification in manual mode from wim does not work and gives an error.
    There are no problems with backing up the address book, because we have other machines with the same address book around the company.

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  • Gift
    deleted address book with sp5-846-050
    Is this the SP called like "UCS initialize all Settings / Adress Book...." you would use in factory SP in case the admin password is lost?
    In case It's not you might try this out. Otherwise I would try and Factory reset the MFP with user tools/admin settings method.

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  • slimslob
    Originally posted by Leoculus

    again since the problem occurred after replacing the hdd, however unlikely it may seem without trying a different hdd to rule it out as the cause all other steps taken will not resolve the issue if in fact the HDD is the cause.
    Have you tried to edit the address book through User Tools. I can't remember if the Address Book on that model is stored on the HDD or in NVram. If it was on the HDD, it is gone unless someone had made a backup either through WIM or SP mode. I always trained my customers to make a backup through WIM anytime there were changes.

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  • Leoculus
    Originally posted by luca72

    the hdd its new one wd500gb blue, its same type that we use from years, Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe there was something that was about to break down and it was enough to maneuver the machine a bit to make the problem come out, I've mounted dozens of those discs on the Martini
    again since the problem occurred after replacing the hdd, however unlikely it may seem without trying a different hdd to rule it out as the cause all other steps taken will not resolve the issue if in fact the HDD is the cause.

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  • luca72
    Originally posted by Leoculus

    since the issue started after the hdd replacement that would be my 1st step. is it possible the wrong size hdd was installed? was it a new or used hdd?
    the hdd its new one wd500gb blue, its same type that we use from years, Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe there was something that was about to break down and it was enough to maneuver the machine a bit to make the problem come out, I've mounted dozens of those discs on the Martini

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  • Leoculus
    Originally posted by luca72
    not yet, since a ticket has not been opened for this yet, I'm trying to solve it in a soft way, however theoretically it shouldn't be the disk, everything else works perfectly, the machine also uses ad-fax
    since the issue started after the hdd replacement that would be my 1st step. is it possible the wrong size hdd was installed? was it a new or used hdd?

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  • luca72
    thanks, I tried this morning, using administrator without the possibility of user management, and the address book doesn't even appear, anyway write in English, I understand you well, thanks again

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  • General Copiers
    Ti scrivo in italiano perchè magari traducendo non ci capiamo bene...
    Come ti ho detto non ho una MP9002 in negozio, dovrei andare da un cliente.
    Ho fatto però una prova in negozio con altre macchine:
    entrando come amministratore da WIM, sono entrato su configurazione e poi "gestione autenticazione amministratore".
    Da lì si possono configurare le funzionalità disponibili per amministratore utenti, macchina, rete e file.
    Una volta configurato, sempre in "configurazione" c'è il menu "programma/cambia amministratore".
    Lì ci sono 4 amministratori, ed ognuno può avere abilitazioni diverse per quanto riguarda utenti, macchina, rete e file.
    Potrebbe essere che l'amministratore che stai usando per accedere su WIM, non abbia l'autorizzazione per gestire gli utenti.
    È l'unica cosa che mi è venuta in mente.

    Altrimenti mi è capitato di sostituire hard disk, schede controller o nvram usate, e qualche volta avevano impostazioni vecchie e ho risolto formattando.

    I write in Italian because maybe by translating we don't understand each other well....
    As I told you yesyetray, I don't have an MP9002 in the shop, I would have to go to a customer.
    I have, however, done a test in the shop with other machines:
    Entering as administrator from WIM, I went to configuration and then ‘manage administrator authentication’.
    From there you can configure the functionality available for user, machine, network and file administrator.
    Once configured, again under ‘configuration’ is the ‘program/change administrator’ menu.
    There, there are four administrators, and each one can have different authorisations for users, machine, network and files.
    It could be that the administrator you are using to log into WIM does not have the authorisation to manage users.
    That's the only thing I could think of.

    Otherwise, I happened to replace used hard drives, controller cards or nvram, and sometimes they had old settings and I solved it by formatting.

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  • luca72
    Originally posted by slimslob
    Remember there can be 3 different Administrator credentials, 4 if you want to include Supervisor. Each of those 3 can be assigned or denied access to Admin functions. If I remember correctly, the 3 default administrators are
    1. Machine
    2. Network
    3. Users

    The administrator credentials
    I tried to replicate on our mpc6003 machine, the admin non user situation, in this case (rightly) the address book entry does not even appear

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