11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

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  • Lunatech
    Trusted Tech

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    11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

    I have a customer with an 11100 (Kyocera) that continually has displayed the warning for the PCU cleaning unit. Last night it finally changed to "Replacement Required:Cleaning Unit for PCU". I have not been there yet for the current issue and he is gone until next week so I thought to do some research.
    I have rebuilt this unit in the past and have never been able to make the warning go away and as long as it was working we didn't really care too much. Now that it is down it is, of course, a different story. Only once in this machines history has the unit been changed and not displayed the warning message. That was the first time at around 900k when I had a new unit. since then I have been rebuilding one of the 2 units I have while the other is in use. Usually it will go 800k to 1M pages (LTR). It currently has about 200K on the drum and rebuilt cleaning unit and just under 4M total. A typical rebuild is all the gears, both blades, lube bar, apply brush and drum. On the first rebuild I did I didn't have the gears and thought that may be the reason I was getting the warning. I promptly ordered a set and installed them and made no difference.
    I have been through all the service modes and user modes resetting maintenance counts.

    Is there something in this unit that is triggering this? Is it really required to replace the unit?

    Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long winded post.
    Last edited by Lunatech; 04-21-2023, 11:16 PM. Reason: Correction of model number
  • slimslob

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    Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

    I am assuming that you posted this in Ricoh instead of Kyocera because it is the same as one of the Ricoh Production B/W models. If that is the case, have you been properly resetting all the appropriate PM counters?


    • Lunatech
      Trusted Tech

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      • Oct 2012
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      Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

      I think so. I'm not so sure as the message never has gone away. Off the top of my head I think there is the user mode and the TCRU>maintenance reset counter>cleaning unit for PCU. and in the service modes somewhere in the 7000's there are some. I always have to fumble through it, am I missing some?

      Yeah, I kinda figured since it is a Ricoh I'd just post it here.


      • slimslob

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        Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

        Not certain which Ricoh that crosses over to. The following is for the Pro 8100 series. Enter the SP mode, and then do SP7622-006 to 011 to reset the counters.

        Check the Serial number plate on the back of the main frame. If it has a machine code of D179, D180 or D181 it is the 8100 series.


        • Lunatech
          Trusted Tech

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          Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

          I'm pretty sure it's an MP-1110 or B235. Now I see my obvious mistake of adding the additional zero to the model number.


          • slimslob

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            Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

            Originally posted by Lunatech
            I'm pretty sure it's an MP-1110 or B235. Now I see my obvious mistake of adding the additional zero to the model number.
            If it is it is a dinosaur. That model was replaced by Pro 1106EX in 2008. Which in turn was replaced by the Pro 1007EX.


            • Lunatech
              Trusted Tech

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              Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

              Perhaps I have been mistaken. Since the model numbers were so close it must be at least similar. The Kyo numbers being 9600, 11100, 13600 and the Ricoh numbers being MP9000, 1110 and 1350. Sounds like I should track down a manual for the 8100. I know the Kyocera manual is just an edited version of the original Ricoh one but just wasn't sure which one.

              At any rate the message regarding the cleaning unit only went away on the first replacement when I had the TCRU part. I have been rebuilding them since then and have not been able to make the message go away. I wonder if there is something in the unit that reset it.


              • slimslob

                Site Contributor
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                Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

                Your best best is to go to system SP mode 7000 section and look for reset PM. Under that look for PCU cleaning unit and reset all items in the Cleaning unit. Depending on the model you may or may not have an option to reset all of the, used to have # in part of the description. There should also be a setting for specifying whether or not the counters can be reset fro the TCRU menu. Something that Ricoh may have accidentally changed with a firmware update.


                • Lunatech
                  Trusted Tech

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                  Re: Pro 8100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

                  In service modes I will go to 7-266 and reset 005-11 for the cleaning unit, 012-017 for the main charge corona and 018 for the drum itself. If memory serves me correctly these are already reset if it has been done in user modes but not always, so I always check them.
                  In looking through some of the parts I have on hand for this, after peeling away the Kyocera part labels, I found some of the part numbers start with D-179. As far as I can tell that is consistent to the Pro 8100 line. I will have a look at that SM and see what I can find.

                  Thanks for helping me figure out what I'm actually working on. If anyone has any other Ideas I would greatly appreciate hearing them.


                  • Lunatech
                    Trusted Tech

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                    Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

                    After some thought I have decided to post this in the Kyocera section as well.


                    • slimslob

                      Site Contributor
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                      Re: Pro 8100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

                      Originally posted by Lunatech
                      In service modes I will go to 7-266 and reset 005-11 for the cleaning unit, 012-017 for the main charge corona and 018 for the drum itself. If memory serves me correctly these are already reset if it has been done in user modes but not always, so I always check them.
                      In looking through some of the parts I have on hand for this, after peeling away the Kyocera part labels, I found some of the part numbers start with D-179. As far as I can tell that is consistent to the Pro 8100 line. I will have a look at that SM and see what I can find.

                      Thanks for helping me figure out what I'm actually working on. If anyone has any other Ideas I would greatly appreciate hearing them.
                      Private message me if you need the Ricoh manual.


                      • kevslane
                        • Mar 2017
                        • 24

                        Re: 1110 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

                        The lubrication bar in the cleaning unit activates little touch switches in the unit when it runs low triggering the replacement, these can get stuck and show that the unit needs replacing when it doesn't. Check that these are working correctly.

                        Sent from my SM-A526B using Tapatalk


                        • slimslob

                          Site Contributor
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                          • May 2013
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                          Re: 1110 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

                          Originally posted by kevslane
                          The lubrication bar in the cleaning unit activates little touch switches in the unit when it runs low triggering the replacement, these can get stuck and show that the unit needs replacing when it doesn't. Check that these are working correctly.

                          Sent from my SM-A526B using Tapatalk
                          Production Color models YES. Pro 8100 series NO. First thing that I checked in the service manual.


                          • kevslane
                            • Mar 2017
                            • 24

                            Re: 1110 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

                            Originally posted by slimslob
                            Production Color models YES. Pro 8100 series NO. First thing that I checked in the service manual.
                            Hi slimbob, you had me doubting myself so I double checked as I've not worked on one for a while, as you can see from the diagram there is a switch for the lube bar.

                            Sent from my SM-A526B using Tapatalk


                            • Lunatech
                              Trusted Tech

                              100+ Posts
                              • Oct 2012
                              • 152

                              Re: 11100 Cleaning unit for PCU issue.

                              I will definitely be checking for the switches. Thanks for the replies.

