2015 = Savin 4018d. Very odd. Basically most PCL6 drivers are the Same especially on smaller or same Generation machines.
As for Envelopes. To make the customers life easier, I install driver 2x. Call 2nd one Envelopes. Right Click the Printer, Select Properties. On General Tab Select Printer Preferences. On Paper tab Select Com 10 (if thats the size they use) and Select the Bypass tray. Click Apply, you should be fine.
Some Applications Page Setup Profiles in MSWORD and Various other Apps will override settings. Make sure MS Word is not set to only one tray only. Can't pull envelopes from tray one ya dumb MS.
1515 printing
While I was stewing over settings and canceling /replacing drivers, Harleyman loaded a driver for a 2015 (don't ask me why) and the p.o.s. works!
Now that we have one working in the shop, I'll be back w/ a customers problem when trying to feed envelopes.Leave a comment:
Yes that is what he is referring to. Cancel it so windows doesn't try to install its own software.Leave a comment:
Sorry to take so long getting back to this issue. We are using XP on a new Accer as the computer. It does not have a parrallel port, and it is not a server as we are not setting up a network. Sorry if we are inept at addressing terminology that we don't think applies. I can delete the port under "printer properties/ports" if thats what is meant. By canceling the hardware prompt are you refering to the "new hardware found prompt"?
Thanks in advance for assisting the clueless.Leave a comment:
What I wanted to say. Yeah I'm not the best at getting my point across.Leave a comment:
rthonpm mentioned designating the port as lpr w/ a queue name of lp.
Garbage printing is always a corrupt driver and as has been mentioned this is a simple driver to install, I would delete the driver, delete the port in Server properties, then reboot. Install the PCL driver w/ the default parallel port. Then plug the 1515 into the usb cable, cancel the hardware prompt if it comes up, then change the port from parallel to the USB001 port in Properties of the driver> ports tab.Leave a comment:
Weird I never have issues with printing. Especially something as simple as USB.
I would go to the File and Server Properties while in the Print window and Look on the Ports and Drivers tab. Remove Any Unused ones. If you are using the driver that WINDOWS Automatically installs you will get garbage cause its the PS Driver. But you've said you've tried PCL6/RPCS.Leave a comment:
I don't know how to determine if it's a windows test page. Its the prompt that appears after the driver is installed. Its not just our attempt. I've paid IT personel to try to connect field machines for our customersa w/ the same garbage result. I've lost customers to cannon because of the headaches trying to connect icoh equipment.
JimLeave a comment:
Weird I've never had a problem getting these to work. When you hook them up via USB windows installs the RICOH PS driver. I then download the Savin PCL6 Driver. Once its installed. I go into the driver and select the PORT USB001 a majority of the time and no problems. You getting tons of Ascii crap from a Windows Test Page?Leave a comment:
1515 printing
Posted this earlier, but can not find the reply.
We are a Savin dealer. Trying to print to a 1515mf w/ a USB connection.
Have tried several drivers PCL 6, 5, 5e, Ricoh universal driver. Can not stop the output of multiple pages of ascii II language when we print the test page. rthonpm mentioned designating the port as lpr w/ a queue name of lp. I've lost track of the hours we've spent trying to find someplace to make these changes. Where are these selections hidden please.
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