SC 573/ False J111 Jams - Staple Error

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  • Caveman

    50+ Posts
    • Nov 2007
    • 82

    SC 573/ False J111 Jams - Staple Error

    Currently working with a MP6500 - ongoing SC 573 problem and false J111 jam codes - narrowed problem down to a possible faulty positioning motor for the exit sponge roller assembly. Under 15K copies on unit - using the finisher output check function I'm finding that the motor will very often fail to energize. Has anyone run into this problem in the field - the finisher is a B071.

    Any suggestions are appreciated.
  • Cipher
    It's not easy being green

    1,000+ Posts
    • May 2006
    • 1309

    I've had problems with the cheap and nasty plastic bearings they use on these finishers a few times.
    If it jams often on exit or makes a unusual noise just as it exits then jams check them out.
    They are small and made of a white plastic casing with metal bearing inside, normally when turned they are lumpy as hell.
    Greasing them up normally does the trick and makes them work smoother with less friction.

    There is also a RTB about jamming (RB700001) which may be the problem.
    Last edited by Cipher; 11-14-2007, 02:00 PM.
    • Knowledge not shared, is eventually knowledge that becomes lost... like tears in the rain.

    Fully qualified technician for Ricoh - Canon - Sharp - HP - Brother


    • nobody-here
      Trusted Tech

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      Re: SC 573/ False J111 Jams - Staple Error

      Originally posted by Cipher

      There is also a RTB about jamming (RB700001) which may be the problem.
      I guys,

      we're having a J111 False jam. (and SC725 Error) on a MP8000
      We would like to have a look to RB700001 but we don't have tessa access (Italian Ricoh Portal don't have such bulletin).
      Can you provide me this bulletin.

      29 rouge unpair manque.... cous cous....


      • ruben
        The New Guy

        1,000+ Posts
        • Oct 2012
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        Re: SC 573/ False J111 Jams - Staple Error


        Could be this one.


        • slimslob

          Site Contributor
          25,000+ Posts
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          Re: SC 573/ False J111 Jams - Staple Error

          I cannot find SC573 in either the SM or Goose's Guide. Could that be a typo and the SC is actually 753 or 735? Those are both finisher errors. Most of Ricoh's finishers will give a jam indication in the finisher the first time an error is detected. You check for the jam and close the finisher door. The error is detected a second time and now the SC for the actual error is displayed.

          Eric, thanks for the link.

