Re: Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
I will look for the partnumber tomorrow.
Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
Re: Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
I have to have that tool!
And thanks teebee,I'll look in to it.Leave a comment:
Re: Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
A few years ago I got a meter from Ricoh. It's a stick with a little display on it and a few buttons. It can measure relative humidity and temperature. On one end is a sensor. When you put the stick in a paper stack and wait for 10 seconds the relative humidity and temperature is displayed. A fresh ream of paper has most of the times a relative humidity of 30-35%. It's a very handy tool. When customers don't believe that their paper has moisture in it you can simply proove it.Leave a comment:
Re: Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
I've seen this problem several times in the past when I worked on this model. The problem is actually in the duplexer inverter. Mylar guides will wear and bend over time, causing the paper to catch and bend or jam. Attached is a tech bulletin referencing this.
Paul, SP3008 will display the humidity and temperature of the unit internally, which won't tell you the humidity of the paper but will give you and idea of what the paper is exposed to while in the drawers.Attached FilesLeave a comment:
Re: Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
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Re: Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
You can't adjust the pressure between the Hot Roller and the Pressure Roller on this model, it's fixed. Did you measure the humidity of the paper? It should be between 35-45% relative humidity. If it's higher it can cause problems.Leave a comment:
Re: Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
Paper isn't moist,MPC3000 prints them diferentLeave a comment:
Re: Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
I think it has something to do with moisture in the paper.Leave a comment:
Aficio 3228c blasted fusing unit
So machine does wery wery good prints,it's all fine but customer keeps bugging me because it's benting papper on exit..."you see when I put them all togather it's all wavy on one end"...he's refering to upper right corner on paper that has a slight bent (not fold) upward when looking it from the top,the 100g papper.
So my first guess is fusing unit,parts didn't reach there yeald but anyway I tryed diferent fusing unit with same result,stoped printing at some point and inspected jammed pappers to eliminate anything else,tryed diferent paper guides after fusing unit all with same result.
I tryed allso diferent paper,the type I tryed on MPC 3000,so the MPC did fine but 3228 is the same.
Personaly I culdn't care less for slight bent on papper but this guys is one persistant bugger,my guess is it has something to do with the pressure betwen rollers in fusing unit but I'm not shure how can I afect that.
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