Slow/delayed printing on LD620C

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  • Tonerbomb
    Re: Slow/delayed printing on LD620C

    what happens if you take their file from a flash drive or email on your laptop and print via crossover??????????????????????????

    Takes their network out of the loop.................. use this often.............

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  • Iowatech
    Re: Slow/delayed printing on LD620C

    This might be a long shot, but you might check that process control isn't doing checks too often.

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  • C.Vallon
    Re: Slow/delayed printing on LD620C

    I did not try to change the network speeds on the MFP it's self, honestly didn't even think about it. As for the data light, it is solid when it hangs up, meaning that all data was sent over to the MFP.

    I'll try adjusting network speeds when I return out to the client, see if that helps.

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  • Tonerbomb
    Re: Slow/delayed printing on LD620C

    well first off when the job hangs, is the data in light still blinking on the mfp?? if the light is still blinking then all the print job data hasn't got to the mfp yet. Next is the frimwar current on the mfp?? And have you tried anything with the network speed on the mfp?? i.e. change the speed from Auto to fixed 100 or 10?? some things to check and try.............

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  • C.Vallon
    started a topic Slow/delayed printing on LD620C

    Slow/delayed printing on LD620C

    Hello guys and gals. So, I have an interesting issue that came up today that has me rather stumped. A client with a LD620C called with a complaint about slow printing, well that could mean just about anything under the sun, right? Well, when I arrived the unit operates fine, the reported issue and the one I seen while there is that whenever the client trys to print a document (anywhere between 15-50+ pages) with color and light to heavy graphics, the print job actually becomes delayed.

    I'll clarify what I mean by delayed printing. I tested the job on a document that was roughly 50 pages with at least every other page having some form of graphic or color on it, what happens is that the data is sent over the network to the copier and then it begins to print, all normal at this point. However, usually by the time the 5th page is printed the machine stops printing out ( keep in mind this was on a 50 page print job ). The copy will hang up anywhere between 2-10 minutes in which it will resume and continue the print job for a few more pages, stop, wait, then print again. It will repeat this cycle until the print job is done, or is manually canceled.

    I did call tech support and they too are stumped, the only advice I got out of them was to see if the client will willingly email us a copy of one of the documents that are known to do this issue so that they or we can check if there is an issue within the embedded graphics/color.

    What I've done so far;
    Uninstalled and re-installed PLC6 Driver for Windows 7x64
    Tried downgraded driver from PLC6 to PLC5C driver
    Changed images from vector to raster
    Changed print to Print Directly to Printer
    Changed print to spool entire doc before printing
    Tried sending print job to document server
    Formatted the HDD

    All the above resulted in no success it either made the job take longer or simply no change at all. Has anyone else had an issue like this, if so what are your recommendations?

    I have clarified with the client that if the same document is printed out on one of their black and white machines on the network, it prints just fine with no delay or slow printing. It only seems to be when printing from the LD620C machine. Any suggestions or advice would be helpful.

    Thanks in advance. ^.^