MPC 2800 power supply to a mpc3300. .compatible? DO23 DO25

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  • slimslob
    Re: MPC 2800 power supply to a mpc3300. .compatible? DO23 DO25

    If you can access the machine with WIM, see if there is a polygon motor error.

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  • MPC 2800 power supply to a mpc3300. .compatible? DO23 DO25

    i just went to a mpc2800 i placed 2 weeks ago where the touch screen is dead,or black.
    display goes black - update scanner fw to 1.24 or higher & system fw to 1.24 or higher
    No display - check for input voltage, replace PSU as needed
    no display - cracked soldering on polygon mirror motor pcb
    no display - update LCDC fe to 1.09 or higher
    swapped the control panel out with my shop machine wth all updated firmware after cking bypass area for pinched wire.
    no change. cked poly motor.ok
    i cked all fuses on power supply and cked connectors but still the same.

    does a mpc3300 power supply work in the mpc2800?

    any other things that one would check?
    the control panel leds seem to work and after 50 seconds it switched to printer and some alert led on.
    thnx in advance