MX-C, and MX-B series problem

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  • Dustin(WOP)
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Apr 2009
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    MX-C, and MX-B series problem

    hello all
    i am having some trouble with the mx-c311,c401, and b401 machines that we have out in the field. we probably have 20-30 of these machines out and I think atleast half of them have called in and said that the machine is squeeking. So I go there and can hardly ever get them to squeek they say it is mostly in the morning when they turn the machine on for the day. anyone else run into these machines squeeking?? if so any advice is greatly appreciated!! thanks.
  • OMD-227

    Hey Dustin,

    We have alot of these machines as well. Haven't really had calls for squeaking during operation, but I do know that there is little-to-no lubrication in many parts that actually require it. For example, the tray lift motor assembly usually makes a loud groaning noise when trying to lift a full 500sheet capacity. Take the lift motor out and apart and you will find zero lubrication on any of the drive/worm gears inside it. Once packed with grease, the lift motor performs great (and quietly).
    I'm definitely hearing what you are saying. There is alot of potential for these to be noisy/squeaky from what I have seen. Try running motor tests in simulation to eliminate any areas or pin-point a problem to a certain roller or item.


    • The Otrain

      50+ Posts
      • Apr 2008
      • 54

      I had the same problem. It's good to know that I wasn't going crazy and others have been facing the same issue. What i did was lube the drive gears.....almost all of them with some "Tri-Flo" lube. Narrowed it down to NOT being the fuser, drums or DV units. Also checked the trans belt....found no noises. Lubed all the other white gears I could see and customer hasn't called back in a month.


      • Dark Helmet
        Senior Tech

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        I just had a MXB401 squeaking on Thursday! My machine was the fuser drive. Pull the fuser out and the guide and roller out just above the fuser (1 screw) and the 3 gears are exposed. Pull 3 e clips and you can carefully pull the gears. There is a spring to watch for in the back that you can actully get back on with a spring hook. The pin can be a real prick as it's inside that metal plate that only has so much roation so it can be tricky to line up the hole to slide it past the pin. Mine fell out into the machine. I might of said a bad word.

        Greased those 3 gears and my little bird went away. See attached Photo.

        My machine is near a vent and it must be blowing a bunch of dust up as the top of the machine was covered in a light dust and the inside of the gears showed dirt. Sadly there is no lubrication in them.
        Attached Files
        Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.


        • Dark Helmet
          Senior Tech

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          Oh yea, the reason i was even at this machine was a E7-06 code being caused by trying to print faxes that went corrupt. Problem solved after flashing firmware so i quickly ran to 3 other machines in the area and did them to. One other machine was making the exact same squeak in the same area and they all have less than 3k on them.
          Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.


          • gwaddle
            Senior Tech

            500+ Posts
            • May 2009
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            mxc machines E7-06

            The most permanant solution to the E7-06 code that we have found is to run Sim 66-10 memory clear. This is under P * Ca P sims. Seems to work pretty well. I tried reflashing with no luck.
            I know I should be ashamed of myself. Strangely though, I am not.


            • Dark Helmet
              Senior Tech

              Site Contributor
              500+ Posts
              • May 2009
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              I had to do that as well just to get the machine to let me do a firmware update.
              Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.


              • BrazilBoy

                E7-06 codes thier is an updated fax unit for them now..If you keep getting one try and warranty it out..On mine firmware and 66-10 did jack squat..

