I think that data clone soft is not intended for end users, but only for Toshiba partner companies ans subsidiaries.
Toshiba e351c Save Settings to file
Guest repliedhi mckinley,
thans for your answer,
i do not unterstand how i get the parameters on my usb. What software need i for to do this. In my TopAcces there is no buuten for export the Admin settings like network etc.
thank didiLeave a comment:
you can data clone all the network settings ( except the IP / NetBios name because of ip conflicts ) , you need the correct clone file on a usb stick that matches your firmware revision, then on the other machine you must also have the same level of firmware, you then can select restore, this puts the values from the clone backup in to your other machine, all you then need to do is setup the ip / netbios name that's unique to that machine.Leave a comment:
Guest repliedhi,
no, i want to save the Admin settings network, email etc.
What is data clonig via USB thumb
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Dear ;
it depend on what settings you want to save,i.e templates,address book
anyway try the following:
from TopAccess \admin\maintinance\backup\
you can export a back uo file for your vital settings.
or you can try data cloning via USB thumb
good luckLeave a comment:
Toshiba e351c Save Settings to file
i am a new member
Can someone tell me how i can save the settings of the mashine into a file.
In the next step i will load the settings in the file to a new mashine
I have a e351c
ThanksLast edited by Guest; 01-28-2009, 09:35 AM.
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