Xerox 5328 / 5818 Printing Problems

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  • Electroman


    Xerox 5328 / 5818 Printing Problems

    Hi All,

    New to the forum and a quick question hoping someone can help with....

    We have 2 copiers - Xerox 5328 and Xerox 5818 units. Both units appear to have printing problems although one more severe than the other.

    Xerox 5328 - When printing multiple pages usually the first page printed looks pretty good, other pages (usually every 2nd page) will print blank vertical bands down the page or the entire page may print but very faint.

    Xerox 5818 - Similar problem as above but not as severe.

    I'm wondering if both these units may have a bad drum unit causing the problem?

    Does anyone also have a link reference to a decent troubleshooting manual for issues such as this or a general service manual?

  • Mr Spock
    Vulcan Inventor of Death

    1,000+ Posts
    • Aug 2006
    • 2064

    replace the copy cartridges. Typical they probably were set for metered supplies and never showed the replace cartridge message.
    And Star Trek was just a tv show...yeah right!


    • Canuck
      Tech Specialist

      1,000+ Posts
      • Nov 2007
      • 1713

      5328 light every other copy,5318 light in pairs=copy cartridge.Photoreceptor belt(drum) fumes attack can jog the drives to get more life...worked on these babies for a dozen years


      • Papo
        • Oct 2008
        • 36

        cq 5018 family

        take your bellt copy cartridge out turn belt drive dog clock wise you should have a clean belt 1 full rotation of the pr belt if you still have bands after 1 full belt rotation you have a bad cleaning blade in the cartridge toner on the belt will prevent it from getting a full charge hence light dirty copies will result. if cleaning issues are not a concern then you may have a transfer arc dirty transfer corona unit .
        many things can go wrong with these Copiers good luck

        Originally posted by Electroman
        Hi All,

        New to the forum and a quick question hoping someone can help with....

        We have 2 copiers - Xerox 5328 and Xerox 5818 units. Both units appear to have printing problems although one more severe than the other.

        Xerox 5328 - When printing multiple pages usually the first page printed looks pretty good, other pages (usually every 2nd page) will print blank vertical bands down the page or the entire page may print but very faint.

        Xerox 5818 - Similar problem as above but not as severe.

        I'm wondering if both these units may have a bad drum unit causing the problem?

        Does anyone also have a link reference to a decent troubleshooting manual for issues such as this or a general service manual?



        • mailderrick
          Trusted Tech

          100+ Posts
          • Mar 2010
          • 131

          I have a question. I just got a call and the guy said he had poor image quality and wanted me to bring him a cartridge and a drum. So i went down and installed the belt and toner and cleaned all the dirty mirrors , took off the black cover and cleaned the lens and mirrors there. I tested it(noticed that the copy is slightly shifted down - not sure if there is a way to adjust that) overall quality looked good. I got back to the shop and he called and said that every 3rd copy is faint down the middle. I am not sure what or why. Any thoughts?

