Hi folks- this is what it looks like when trying to copy some swedish "schnapssongs to the crabfishparty last weekend!!!.. what has happened- Have not been using the machine for some months..my PWRby the way doesnt work properly (torrent stuff) so is there any chance to fix it??IMG m24.jpg. Changed color and drum cartridge already..
My workcenter M24 went nuts.. everything is red and blurry
Re: My workcenter M24 went nuts.. everything is red and blurry
If this is developer spilled over you have broken bias contact(Charge roll contact). Very common for this type of mashine.
contact.jpg -
Re: My workcenter M24 went nuts.. everything is red and blurry
Ok.. Can you please give me a hint were I find these contact. Cant find it in my manual ?? Could it be that it has to be cleaned?? the machine worked perfect a couple a months ago and it has not moved or touched since that.. In Sweden nobody is even interested so sell anything but a new machine to me.. *sigh* so dont even know were to by a new contact if i need one.Comment
Re: My workcenter M24 went nuts.. everything is red and blurry
First you didn't answer was there developer over the copy and is it same when printing.
Here is the picture for contact location.
Just press it gently with fingers and if it moves down it's broken. You can also check with other drum contact just to feel how it's supposed to be.
Couple days ago I have used super glue to fix and peace of plastic to make it harder (picture 2) and it still works.
To reach these contacts you have to remove all PWBs from back and developer motor.
contact2.jpg contact3.jpgComment
Re: My workcenter M24 went nuts.. everything is red and blurry
Thanks a lot bojans for your advice. Today I checked the contact and its not broken . . I am not sure what you mean by "developer all over" but i dont think it is so.
Heres two more pictures printed direct from my pc. picture one on my bike long time ago is in black and white and the other is a colorpic.. Could it be the cable in the backside that had a hmm "not a crack" but was bend a bit one time....??
When trying to copy a book directly on the machine it did look as the last picture..2012-09-24 14-51-45_0019.jpgComment
Re: My workcenter M24 went nuts.. everything is red and blurry
First swap magenta drum unit with another drum unit. If the defect is still on magenta then you may have problems with high voltage power source for magenta - charge voltage too low or bias voltage too high on magenta dev. unitComment
Re: My workcenter M24 went nuts.. everything is red and blurry
I have not got the printer to work so my wife force me now to send it to the yunkyard
Any last advice what could be the problem. It did happen just when i did start the machine after it had been off for some months and before i printed som hundreds percet copies. Since I have a lot of new stuff for it as colors and drums and more.. I dont like throwing away stuff.. but it seem that nobody even wants it for free i sweden..Comment
Re: My workcenter M24 went nuts.. everything is red and blurry
Now its The M24 on the junkyard so if any body had some clue please don't tell me.. I did keep all the new spareparts and colours and will try to sell them on ebay one day or another. Thanksanyway for listeningand trying to help
I still have one working DC 50 with fiery rip and one whole spare machine and some parts from the DC12 that also went to the junkyard today.Comment