Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

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  • Phil B.
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    [QUOTE=ccat;1553305]Thank you, Phil. I read through the rules and FAQ when I joined the forum, and I just reread them when you sent them--though I'm not sure why you are asking me to read them now, unless you are suggesting that I am not following the rules in some way? I am just posting a question entirely in good faith, so please let me know if I am doing something (specific) wrong here. I am a member of a number of technical forums and am used to the general etiquette! [QUOTE]

    nothing wrong that I have noticed .. it's just something I recommend to ALL newbies here.

    [QUOTE] You didn't ask, but: I have searched the forums already for posts that address this problem, and I did so before my original post. In my first post I referenced a thread from 2014 in which the same problem is addressed but never answered. If there is another thread addressing this problem, I have not been able to find it. Please feel free to point me there [QUOTE]

    I don't feel it is my duty to ask too many questions about IF a user has researched their problems as MOST newbies cop a case of the ass when prodded with a plethora of questions. Then they get vile and that is a violation of forum rules.

    Also--and this is also a response to M94's friendlier post--I do already have both an owner's manual and a service manual, and have consulted them thoroughly. I have a clear sense of the various possible diagnoses for the problem and am prepared to disassemble things to find the problem myself. I only wanted to ask if any more experienced tech would like to offer any advice.

    [QUOTE] Your responses are not patronizing; they just assume the worst about me without asking me any questions. If you don't have the time or inclination to help out, it's no problem at all! There's no need for you to respond any further to this thread solely to warn me away---please feel free to ignore any further posts! [QUOTE]

    you just made my point in my previous comment.. you COULD have mentioned that you already have both manuals, that would have relived some of the assumed tensions

    If any other community members feel like sharing their expertise with a newcomer, I would be happy to discuss. Otherwise, I will happily enjoy taking my printer apart and trying my best to figure out the problem on my own. Best wishes, Chris
    have a nice day,

    Phil b. 'The Dentist '

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  • ccat
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Thanks for your concern, Phil... It turns out the problem was almost laughably simple once I got the rear cover off (see my previous post)... I do appreciate the time and effort it takes to build expertise (hopefully I will get there someday), and I hope I haven't take up too much of your time.

    Originally posted by Phil B.
    +3 on READ READ READ... we techs spend endless hours training ... READING.. studying. I've been in this industry for 31+ years... on just about every brand out there.... got THOUSANDS of certs....

    I never really calculated the HOURS I've spent perfecting my trade.

    Not only do I work on these brain busters but I repair all my gas engines (car-boat-truck-weed wackers-lawn mowers-tillers) I also repair my home appliances ... plumbing ... gun repair.. wood working . I have countless manuals and have studied EACH and every one of them.

    in other words I am a multi-faceted tech... believe me when I tell you, you may get it apart... back together and still face electrical issues.

    but do what you want to... it your hair and money that will suffer the loss.

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  • ccat
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Dear all,

    As it turns out: after disassembling the air pump assembly, the problem was very obvious. The O-ring on the air pump piston head had blown out and I wasn't getting a seal in the pump chamber... Not rocket science, but perhaps this might be helpful to someone else in the future with the same issue!


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  • Phil B.
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Originally posted by M94
    I'm gonna second Phil on telling you to find a manual before anything else bud. I'm not familiar with that particular machine so I don't have much direct info, but if you really intend to tear it down reading and reading and then re-reading that section of the manual is going to be more useful than anything else we could possibly tell you. After that you should probably read the manual.

    Sorry if this comes off as patronizing but I really can't stress enough how important the manual is for this stuff, and finally I will also point out that if something goes wrong or a piece needs to be ordered that can be a real pain in the ass so take your time and be careful.

    Best of luck
    +3 on READ READ READ... we techs spend endless hours training ... READING.. studying. I've been in this industry for 31+ years... on just about every brand out there.... got THOUSANDS of certs....

    I never really calculated the HOURS I've spent perfecting my trade.

    Not only do I work on these brain busters but I repair all my gas engines (car-boat-truck-weed wackers-lawn mowers-tillers) I also repair my home appliances ... plumbing ... gun repair.. wood working . I have countless manuals and have studied EACH and every one of them.

    in other words I am a multi-faceted tech... believe me when I tell you, you may get it apart... back together and still face electrical issues.

    but do what you want to... it your hair and money that will suffer the loss.

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  • ccat
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Thank you, Phil. I read through the rules and FAQ when I joined the forum, and I just reread them when you sent them--though I'm not sure why you are asking me to read them now, unless you are suggesting that I am not following the rules in some way? I am just posting a question entirely in good faith, so please let me know if I am doing something (specific) wrong here. I am a member of a number of technical forums and am used to the general etiquette!

    You didn't ask, but: I have searched the forums already for posts that address this problem, and I did so before my original post. In my first post I referenced a thread from 2014 in which the same problem is addressed but never answered. If there is another thread addressing this problem, I have not been able to find it. Please feel free to point me there

    Also--and this is also a response to M94's friendlier post--I do already have both an owner's manual and a service manual, and have consulted them thoroughly. I have a clear sense of the various possible diagnoses for the problem and am prepared to disassemble things to find the problem myself. I only wanted to ask if any more experienced tech would like to offer any advice.

    Your responses are not patronizing; they just assume the worst about me without asking me any questions. If you don't have the time or inclination to help out, it's no problem at all! There's no need for you to respond any further to this thread solely to warn me away---please feel free to ignore any further posts!

    If any other community members feel like sharing their expertise with a newcomer, I would be happy to discuss. Otherwise, I will happily enjoy taking my printer apart and trying my best to figure out the problem on my own.

    Best wishes,

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  • M94
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Originally posted by Phil B.
    then use the SEARCH function here.. there have been multiple threads discussing digital duplicators. then find a manual.. THAT IS A MUST!

    also being a newbie read the various FAQ's .. forum rules..

    I'm gonna second Phil on telling you to find a manual before anything else bud. I'm not familiar with that particular machine so I don't have much direct info, but if you really intend to tear it down reading and reading and then re-reading that section of the manual is going to be more useful than anything else we could possibly tell you. After that you should probably read the manual.

    Sorry if this comes off as patronizing but I really can't stress enough how important the manual is for this stuff, and finally I will also point out that if something goes wrong or a piece needs to be ordered that can be a real pain in the ass so take your time and be careful.

    Best of luck

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  • Phil B.
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Originally posted by ccat
    Hi there Phil,

    Thank you for your concern, but I am simply interested in learning about the problem and seeing what I can do. Where would the enthusiastic autodidacts be if not for communities of helpful, likeminded people? I do have plenty of experience working with machines of all kinds from vintage stereos to motorcycles, and I imagine I will be able to determine for myself if I am getting in over my head!

    If it's not inconvenient, I would love to hear your advice on the problem. If not, hopefully I may hear from some other parties!

    Thanks for your time,
    then use the SEARCH function here.. there have been multiple threads discussing digital duplicators. then find a manual.. THAT IS A MUST!

    also being a newbie read the various FAQ's .. forum rules..

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  • ccat
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Hi there Phil,

    Thank you for your concern, but I am simply interested in learning about the problem and seeing what I can do. Where would the enthusiastic autodidacts be if not for communities of helpful, likeminded people? I do have plenty of experience working with machines of all kinds from vintage stereos to motorcycles, and I imagine I will be able to determine for myself if I am getting in over my head!

    If it's not inconvenient, I would love to hear your advice on the problem. If not, hopefully I may hear from some other parties!

    Thanks for your time,

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  • Phil B.
    Re: Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Originally posted by ccat
    Hello all,

    A similar issue was posted on this forum in 2014, but the discussion died out before a resolution was reached! On my Riso rz390 I am getting an error code j04 when I make a new master, where the master seems to print correctly but then the first sheet of paper wraps around the drum and is not separated and ejected.

    If I make a confidential master, it will pass a blank piece of paper okay---so, should this lead me to to the idea that the separator gap distance is okay, and my problem is with air suction?

    So: Where in the air suction assembly is the problem most likely to originate? Is this an issue with the fans/belts in the ejection/suction upper assembly, or with the air pump in the back? Is there a way to test/feel whether the air blows from the separator during operation, or is it simply a matter of checking both the line and the piston/pump in the back and inspecting visually for any apparent problems?
    Thanks very much for any suggestions...
    Best wishes, Chris
    1) being an end user with little to no tech knowledge this is above your pay grade
    2) this is an extremely MESSY frustrating job

    that being said I suggest hiring a TRAINED tech

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  • ccat
    started a topic Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Riso RZ - Paper wrapped around drum

    Hello all,

    A similar issue was posted on this forum in 2014, but the discussion died out before a resolution was reached! On my Riso rz390 I am getting an error code j04 when I make a new master, where the master seems to print correctly but then the first sheet of paper wraps around the drum and is not separated and ejected.

    If I make a confidential master, it will pass a blank piece of paper okay---so, should this lead me to to the idea that the separator gap distance is okay, and my problem is with air suction?

    So: Where in the air suction assembly is the problem most likely to originate? Is this an issue with the fans/belts in the ejection/suction upper assembly, or with the air pump in the back? Is there a way to test/feel whether the air blows from the separator during operation, or is it simply a matter of checking both the line and the piston/pump in the back and inspecting visually for any apparent problems?

    Thanks very much for any suggestions...

    Best wishes,