have replaced the image processor board. lead edge sensor. reflased the machine. any help anybody?
ir1023 lead edge way off
are the margins the same from prints, faxes and copies?
You may need to get into service mode and the lead edge margin. If it is from copy only then you need to adjust the scan start position.Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned. -
all outputs are about .5 inch early . also when running 8.5 x 11 it says to add 8.5x11 after each page output.Comment
check the sensor flag for the add paper sensor isn't bent and that it moves properly to interrupt the sensor.
The parts are listed in Figure 310
#17 IC, Photo-Interrupter (Sensor SR9) = WG8-5776-000
#5 Sensor Flag Flag = FC6-7366-000
also check and make sure this is set correctly Additional Functions > Copy Settings - Paper Size Group is set to Inches.Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.Comment