This subject is near and dear to my heart...
I don't know how many times I have preached this among my co-workers,, after a copier is correctly set up and functioning properly, a set of prints needs to be made to insure that you can restore a copier to functioning properly after some catastrophic event like hard drive failure, a Service Mode Clear, or operator finger pokus event. Under Additional Functions, Report Settings, network user data, fax user data, send user data, address books, also a p-print or label print of the adjustment settings in service mode.
These documents need to be maintained in order for an easy solution to just such a problem as listed here. Make it part of your service routine to insure that these printouts exist at every copier site. Then, when you have a problem, you can consult these to determine what is incorrectly set. This should be done not only on your own equipment, but at every other tech's accounts as well.
The butt you save someday, may be your own!!!
I don't know how many times I have preached this among my co-workers,, after a copier is correctly set up and functioning properly, a set of prints needs to be made to insure that you can restore a copier to functioning properly after some catastrophic event like hard drive failure, a Service Mode Clear, or operator finger pokus event. Under Additional Functions, Report Settings, network user data, fax user data, send user data, address books, also a p-print or label print of the adjustment settings in service mode.
These documents need to be maintained in order for an easy solution to just such a problem as listed here. Make it part of your service routine to insure that these printouts exist at every copier site. Then, when you have a problem, you can consult these to determine what is incorrectly set. This should be done not only on your own equipment, but at every other tech's accounts as well.
The butt you save someday, may be your own!!!