hello all technician ..l have printer canon LBP 2900 ..if l connected this printer machine with my computer by usb cable ..my computer not red this printer ..l change new usb cable but never found any solution ..please can any technician healpe me ...
Healpe me please !!
First question would be when you set it up initially did you install the print driver BEFORE you attached the USB cable. On USB setup this has to be done in a particular order and also you may need to reboot the computer before connecting the USB cable. I would delete the driver and re-install from the beginning.
Good luck.
Bil -
ok friend bil ..l have my personal canon lbp 2900 ..if l check my usb connecting electronic card ( RM1-3078 ) in this lbp 2900 the printer is good ...so this RM1-3078 is bad ..my question ....it have any possibility to renisialized this printer ?BEST TECHNICIAN . NICE PEOPLE .Comment
Don't you mean by 'healpe' you want a free manual? What is it that you have to offer? It's not like you give any help to anybody.Comment
That one I'm afraid that I do not know the answer to. When we start having problems with these machines we just dispose of them if the fix is too difficult or we are getting nowhere with the troubleshooting.Comment