this machine is a imagerunner 6570 (stand alone) does not have a print kit installed. In the service mode under copier/version/acc-sts/ps/pcl, it shows a(0) which I guess means it is not activated, also if counter is selected there is no print kit shown in the configuration tab, scanning kit is shown in the config tab.. the machine will scan but no print, I know this machine does have different licences for different functions printing, scanning, faxing etc. my question is can I purchase a licence or do I need to get a new board? I hunted around on google for I believe I need is a printer kit g1 or g5. also in the service mode under BOOTROM it is a C version which is normal, in the IR 5000 you need a N for network.
imagerunner 6570 wont print ( stand alone)
whats included in these kits? I priced them and there over 2000.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is there another way around this, the machine has 2.3 million! I should almost get a new machine but it's such a great machine, Just water pumps and oil changes!Comment
Sorry to say,,, NOPE. The kit is really referring to a license that needs to be activated through Canon's LMS system. The only other way around this is probably more expensive, the imagePASS-M3, external print server."Once a King, always a King, but once a Knight is enough!"