Even if the power does come on smoothly when it first restores, (which I still doubt) what about those happy little bounces you get during lightning storms, or when the power company truck is parked on your street and techs are doing repairs? (There was a lot of that in my neighborhood 2 years ago - there were several bad transformers.)
It's been a few years, but I've actually seen my lights in the house come on very brightly during a storm for a split second. Not a lightning strike, but rather a surge.
Have you ever used a quality voltage monitor a customer account? I have many times, and while a lot of times they come back "clean", I've seen some whoppers, too. Surges up to 400 volts, and even beyond.
I realize that the power companies have overall got their proverbial act together, (I've heard that the 60 Hz power is regulated to 3-4 cycles per year), but they're not perfect by any means.
Please note that based on his previous posts over the past year or so, aab1 has come out and said that his power pretty much sucks, and needs some big time work. While they can be fun

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