Just replaced the fuser in a CM2320 to get rid of ghosting. When I first installed the fuser and booted up the printer, it printed fine, but made a horrible grinding noise. I backed out the two fuser holding screws just a bit and the grinding noise went away. However, the customer now complains of crumpled prints, not every print, but often enough for concern. Please advise. Thanks
HP CM2320 Crumpling prints
Re: HP CM2320 Crumpling prints
Not loose, but not tightened all the way in, it has just a little play. I picked up the printer today and the crumpled sheets seem to be catching on something about 1.25" in from the right edge of the paper as it comes out. Not jamming, just snagged and crumpled.Comment
Re: HP CM2320 Crumpling prints
The fuser entrance guide probably isn't lining up correctly with the paper path.
Sounds like you need to find out what caused the noise initially. I don't know if this will help, but I'd look at the gear on the machine that provides drive to the fuser to make sure it is able to engage properly first.Last edited by Iowatech; 01-17-2014, 02:05 AM. Reason: Removing info that was probably a waste of time.Comment