Well after getting my dodgy prints sorted out I now have another problem in that I have a touch of fuser oil bleading onto the leading edge of any prints, it is tiny but its there.
We bought this printer second hand of eBay and the fuser unit was packed seperatly but we think its been tipped in transit and got oil where it shouldnt have. The problem seems to be worse when running a duplex run and on single sided it is 99% clear, is it a case of running it until its clear or is there something I can clean (I have ran a ream of paper through it today and its better but still there).
I have stripped my spare fuser down following the service manual (it was broken anyway causing jams etc so I wasnt bothered about breaking this one) but I am nervous about doing this to my decent one as I couldn't really see anything in there that could be causing it to put such a tiny smige of oil on the edge.
Over to you guys.
Well after getting my dodgy prints sorted out I now have another problem in that I have a touch of fuser oil bleading onto the leading edge of any prints, it is tiny but its there.
We bought this printer second hand of eBay and the fuser unit was packed seperatly but we think its been tipped in transit and got oil where it shouldnt have. The problem seems to be worse when running a duplex run and on single sided it is 99% clear, is it a case of running it until its clear or is there something I can clean (I have ran a ream of paper through it today and its better but still there).
I have stripped my spare fuser down following the service manual (it was broken anyway causing jams etc so I wasnt bothered about breaking this one) but I am nervous about doing this to my decent one as I couldn't really see anything in there that could be causing it to put such a tiny smige of oil on the edge.
Over to you guys.